It was you!

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The biritsh boy frowned deeper when the blonde told him that why him. Louis recovered himself up and spoke

"Yes, I know maybe we had bad terms this year but Niall in the parties .. Everything that hapend felt right" Niall just stood there hands in his pockets

"But I'm sure we can work it out, please, I know you feel it too, we dind't snog two times just 'cuz we were drunk, please" Louis said, almost desperate

"You don't remember do you?" Niall asked the Doncaster boy and Louis just scrunched his nose in confusion

"Remember what?" Louis asked Niall

"Gosh! I can't believe you! you seriously don't remember?" Niall streched out a hand in stress

Louis only shook his head.

"Freshman Louis, when you left the multi table, when you left Harry standing waving for you to come, does it ring a bell?" Nill asked upset, arms crossed against his chest

Suddenly everything came back to Louis, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior year, when he slowly drifted his friendship away from the guys to hang with Elenour, when he left Harry standing, every single detail.

"Oh." That's what came out from Louis mouth

"Yes 'Oh' that's it, all ya gonna say, incredible, I can't believe you" Niall ran a hand through his hair pulling it softly

"I'm sorry but it wasn't my decition to leave I jus-" Louis started but Niall quickly interrupted him

"Yes it was! It was your decition to leave! it was you" Niall shouted

"Who was the one who said to stick together? You!"

"Who was the one who said Best friend forever! You!"

"Who left Harry standing? You!"

"Who left us? You!"

"Who ignored us since Freshman year? You!"

"Who send me to detetion, who made brake up with Kelly, who bullied me when I wore braces, who punched me when I didn't do your homework, who forced Liam into get it on with Taylor, who send Taylor to slap Perrie, who ripped my test, who made fun of me and my friends for two years, who Louis, who? YOU!" Niall kept shputing and Louis felt like throwing homself off a cliff

"Who promised to stick together no matter what? You!"

"Who broke that promise, huh? It was you Louis, you did, everything we did for years you threw it. You left us. So don't come with that bullshit!" Niall yelled

"But N-Niall w-we can work it out-" 

"No Louis don't say that, when we were first going to start higschool you said the same, and look how it turned out, I don't need you Louis, please leave me alone, I want you to hate me, pretend you never knew me, and I know it wont be hard, but please Louis do not promise me anything, you'll break the promise anyway" Niall's eyes started to water but he held it in waiting to get home

"Fine Niall." With that Niall turned around and was a bout to leave when Louis sadi

"I promise you I would stop loving you, and its a promise I will love to break" Louis finished

Niall sighed and left Strabuck leaving Louis in a cloud of thoughts.


Small but worth it.;)

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