Hurt but not Broken.

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<<Niall's POV>>

I sigh as I sat in the back corner, Harry at the other seat, I try to forget everything but it seems impossible but at least is better than two years ago, the good thing is that he doesn't remember me, or I least hope he does not.

"Good morning children" Mrs. Parks mumbbled as she entered to the classroom, droping her book  at her desk making a loud thud

"Well it'a new year which means I will have to teach you stuff you won't even care or remeber then you'll fail and you will try to take up projects to pass" she sigh and some of us laughes Harry being one of them but he did got good grades just wanted better for college applications

"So I decided this year you will have to write a paper, here 'till the end of the year about an experience you lived, or if there's nothing interesting you can make up a story but it has to be emotional so that's the big announcement, any doubts come to my desk and ask if you don't enjoy yourself out" she said before sitting and taking some notes, I turnes to Harry

"So have any ideas?" I asked him, he shruuged but smiled

"What?" I asked confused

"Have the perfect idea but not telling you" he grin

"Oh c'mmon! please Hazza!"  I begged, and guess what, it didn't work

"Fine! but I won't tell you mine!" I huffed and croosed my arms 

"You have nothing that's why your saying that, anyways still not telling you, so forget about it" he laughed

"Oh1 I' will figure it out Styles wether is the last thing that I do" I pointed a finger at him

"Thanks for telling me your last thing of your bucket list" he smile, I rolled my eyes then the bell rang

"Bye kidos, hope you live this first day" Mrs. Parks said typing something in her computer 

We left the room to our lockers, and I got my music notebook and so as Harry

"So do you think Mr. Wiliams woul get us in a group project like last year?" Harry asked as he texted on his phone, a girl I guess

"Probably he has nothing better to do than set us up with lazy people, but well at least we know what we're going to do, get a partner, do all the work, perform it, get a grade and bye!" OI said as we entered to see the classroom almost full

"Well let's hope this year I get paired up with Macy, she is cute, and I know it would happen because I always get paired up with cute chicks" he smirked

"It's like its planned, you lucky bastard, but I get paired up always with the hottest ones like Amber, Fabiola, cheerleaders" I smirked

"Aren't you a naughty boy?" Harry asked in a baby tone

"I say they are hot, I didn't say I fucked them like others" he smacked my arm and I laughed hard.

"I do not fucked!" he deffended himself

"Sureeee!" I rolled my eyes and then we heard a over ecxited teacher walking through the door

"Okay now I've been told by the principal that I should change my arrangements in projects and that so this time you have to pick an instrument and sing the song that suits your instrument best then you will have to us why does it sound better and that get it!" he said to quickly for my likeing but thank godness I understood almost everything bhe said

"yes!" that was what the room was filled with after his speech

"Good" he let out a breath and left

"That's it of the class?" I asked Harold

"I don't know do I either care, so I will talk to Macy" he left, oh god with this boy

I closed my eyes and rested my head in the table, I needed sleep, suddenly something hit the wall, which I guess it was the door

"Late" I heard the teacher mumbbled as I'm guessing he got behind the people whoever where late

"Niall open your eyes" Harry whispered in my ear

"No" I mumbbled and turned my head

"Look who got in trouble" he said I could feel his smirk and I knew who it was

I opened my eyes and looked up to see the 'better then you' gang full of losers, liars, bitches, agh!

"What a surprise" I said with no interest still sleepy

"Looks like he's still the same" Harry said

"People don'y change that quickly back to normal plus, I don't care" I simply said thruthfully, well part of it

"And looks like Malik and Calder still with him"  he said shaking his head

"Might explain why you're late?"  Mr. Wiliams raised an eyebrow as he stared at the three little fucked up revels in front of him

"None of your business, just busy" Zayn replied 

"Well hope your not to busy to ask your classmates what are you going to do, or else you will fail and i definetly don't want you hera agian, now sit" he instructed

"Actually we are leaving just came so you won't count us absent" Him said like it was no big deal

"Well you are absent unless you stay!" Mr. Wiliams was getting upset now, I could feel it

"Unfarir!" Calder screamed

Then I felt Harry get up from his seat and walking to the front, oh no.

"I think is best if you sit down, and stop fighten with the teacher after all he ois the authority here" Harry said calmy for now..

"And who brought you curly!" Him yelled at him, nobody yells at MY harry, my best friend

"Nobody but neither did Mr. Wiliams here asked for your bodies to attend any of his classes so why don't you just seat and leave when the bell rings" Harry said motioning to their empty seats

"No curly, I think we would leave when we want to as in now" Perrie said

"Then count yourself as  absent" Harry said seriously

"Look bi-!" oh now he crossed the line

"Don't you dare to finish that sentnce" I stood up everybody turning their attention to me

"Why? Are you his boyfriend?" Calder spat

"No, but you don't have the right to insult people like they were your toys, now why don't you just leave" I said serious now

"Look blondie I do-" 

"Don't call me that, now leave isn't what you wanted?" I said mad, this was hurting more and more

"Let's go" he said and left with the gang behind him

"Thank you guys" then the bell rang, i inmediatly left the room, towards my locker

"Niall are you okay?" I heard Harry's soft voice ask quietly thinking I was mad at him but I wasn't

"I'm fine Hazza, just stressed and it's just the first day" I whined at the last part

"Imagine the rest of the year I might as well go to the bad-boy basis" I said it to dramaticlly

"Niall I'm sorry, I forgot it would affect you" he said sadly

"It didn't" I said 

"Remember Haz I don't care" And I didn't it just got me sometimes


"No, Haz I know he did bad but remember, I'm just hurt not broken" I closed my locker and went to my next class 

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