You. (part two)

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<<Narrator's POV>>

The blonde made his way to the secondfloor where he was asked to go after checking with the receptionist, he had a blank expression, he was upset that he was force to do this, even his mom agreed. What a day.

As the blonde reach his destiation, he knocked the door.

"Come in" a women's voice was heard from the inside.

The Irish lad opened the dorr closing it behind him, walking towards a wooden desk were a brunnete- curly haired women sat, smileing brightly at him.

"You must be Niall" the lady smiled, showing her perfect white teeth

"Yes I am" Niall answered shaking the therapist hand

"I'm Lisa Janes your therapist if it isn't obvious" she laughed as the blonde lad gave her a half smile

"Now I was infirmed that somebody else was gonna take this session with you?" Lisa asked Niall, when he simply nodded


"Don't say his name, please" Niall growled at his ears heard his name, it made him boiled inside

Lisa now understood the two kids didn't like each other, suddenly the door opened and closed revealing a messy-haired Louis

Niall growl and turn his attention to the wall in front of him

"Nice to see you Louis" Lisa greeted while Louis just smiled back and sat in a chair next to Niall's

"So Louis mind telling me why are you late?" Lisa asked polietly

"I was busy" The Doncaster boy answered her

"Yeah fucking Calder maybe." Niall rolled his eyes

"Wait. You!" Louis yelled me

"Oh so you finally noticed me, god a miracle" Niall rolled his eyes ones again

"Niall please, let's just talk it out okay?" Lisa turned to both boys who only shrugged

"Okay so how do you know each other?"

"School." Louis answered, The Irish boy smirked to himself 'the bastard doesn't remember'

"How did you ended up here?" the next question was asked

"A fight" Niall answered, no expression in his face what so ever

"OKay, why?"

"Her slutty friend insulted mine, than he hitted my frien and I just defend him" Niall said as Louis was about to speak

"Okay so why don't I leave you guys a simple task okay?" Lisa asked the boys and they nodded

"Write a list about what you think of each one of you and bring it next week, okay?" 

"Easy" Louis answered

"It's lond don't you prefer me recording it in a CD it's faster" Niall smirked receiving a glare from the other blue-eyed boy

"No. now leave bye guys" Lisa wave to them

The two lads walked out the office walking towards the elevator, none of them saying a word, probably knowing it would end into a fight and they will have to take more therapy together

As they reached the elevator Niall turned to Louis saying "Me first, don't want you stuck with me more." "Agreed" Louis only replied

"I don't like you Niall"

"My pleasure, I return you the hate" Niall got inside the elevator

"Fuck you." Louis growled while Niall smirked

"Anytime" the blonde winked, whit that the elevator close, leaving a upset and shocked Louis

"You." he whispered angrily


<<Niall's POV>>

"Niall, honey time for school!" I growled and rolled out of bed, literally

"I'm up!" I yelled back at my mom

I stood up walking to my closet, taking my clothes out before entering the bathroom, opening the hot water and cold to mix it up, I remove my shorts and boxers and entered the shower, feeling all my muscles relaxe, I rubbed the shampoo in my hair as I closed my eyes thinkingabout yestereday, Louis was such stupid prick, I laughed at what I said tohim after his supposly hurtful comment.

I finished showering and got out of the bathroom putting my blue polo shirt, with dark skinny jeans and my white supras, I styled my hair nto a quiff, and ran down the stares

"Mom I'm running late bye-" I say as I was about to grab my bag realizing that Harry, Li and Pez where at my kitchen laughing

"It's saturday" I said

They all nodded and bursted laughing.

"I hate you>" I smiled as they threw me some popcorn

"Now Irish man, what happen yesterday huh?" Pez asked 

"Nothing just a few questions, and left me a homework that's easy to do" I smirked

"What about?" Liam asked as he walked towards the couch to sit followed bye curly and Pez

"Write a list of things I think about Louis"

"Nice, can we join in" Harry asked


"Imagine if we could the first thing I would write would be, He has no balls" Pez said grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing hersel with them

Liam and Harry laughed along with me with her comment, oh that girl

"Okay so lets just talk about what happened yesterday at the Swifts recidence" Harry smirked this should be interesting

It takes more than an Apology (Nouis Horamlinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora