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<<Niall's POV>>

I opened my eyes and tried to sat down but a painful pulse on my head made me go back dow laying on my pillow and me rubbiing my eyes with the palm of my hand so I could make the headache go away, I slowly turned my head around to face my nightstand too see a note and besides it two pills and a glass of water, I smiled but it quickly vanished because well, it hurts.

I streched my hand towards the glass of water and grabbed it with a good grip so it wouldn't fall, then with the other the blue pills and then i placed one in my mouth and then took a sip of the water swallowing, sticking my tongue out after I swallow, it tasted horrible, then I did the smae when I took the second pill. I olaced the glass back at the nightstand and kept laying dow my arm covering my forehead, while my eyes were closed, breathing slowly, I wanted to sleep today but I have a lot of things to do.

I slowly got up and walked towards the bathroom but then I remembered the note that was still on the nightstand, I walked towards it and I picked a the piece of blue paper, and it was obviously Perrie's handwritting and it said 'Here are some pills you must be hammered anyway hope you wake up fine, call me when you do and DO NOT! look in a mirror please! listen to me!! bye Love Pez xx'

Why didn't she want me to look in the mirror well I wont but it would be hard since I have a massive mirror in the restroom, well just keep your gaze down I mentally said. Okay here we go.

I sighed as I walked back to the the loo and well, I did my things and well then went to brush my teeth and well as a habit I looked up and my eyes widend in shock, there was a FREAKING! HUGE HICKE!!! WHAT THE FREAKING FUCK!!!!!!!!! 

I quickly washed the remainig toothpaste from my mouth and grabbed some shorts and started running towards the door making sure to grab my keys and phone and my wallet and bolting out of my house towards pez house, it wasn't that far but those were the rich people lived and considering I only have shorts ain't helping.

I kept running till I got to the gate that could let me in to the residences, I inserted the code Perrie gave to me and kept running, I saw a few people stare but I kept running. When I got to the Perrie's door, I knocked the door rather loudly.

"Perrie Edwards open the door!" I yelled and then the door opened reaveling a nervous smiling Perrie

"Hi" she smalled waved, I past her inside were the other were, in the kitchen

"What is this?!" I yelled as I pointed to my hickey

"A bruise?" she said in a questioning tone

"Pez are you blind its a hickey.." Cher didn't finish as Liam gave her a look

"What a bruise Niall" she smiled and left back to the cooking

"Well Edwards since Cher was saying, this is a hickey!" she scratched the back of her neck as she avoiding my gaze

"Care to explain" I raised my hands in desperation

"Well.." she trailed off

"Leeeeyuuummm!" she dragged Liam's nickname

I was getting desperate, nobody was giving me answers and I'm stressing, I feel like my hair is gonna fall off because damn I was boiling with madness, why aren't they telling me anything?!

"Yes?" Liam asked as he walked into the room

"Care to explain Niall?" he gulped and nodded

"Niall why don't you take a seat" he gestured me to a the mini couch outside the kitchen

"Look Niall we went to the party remember?" I nodded

"Well when we found you, you were all ... how do I say it?...all horny around Louis, and that equals to the hickey...bacon?" he tried to make it like it was no big deal, but o my freaking hell I've maadeout with Louis. Fucking. Tomlinson.  Let me just die.

"What?!" I quickly stood up, pacing around the room

"Well if it makes you feel you better, you aren't the only one with a hickey" Perrie clapped

I glared at her and she quickly stopped walking in the kitchen,  I turned to Liam as he pretended he got a call from someone and completetly ignored me, I sighed and ran a hand through my hair,as Perrie came back with a Harry by his side.

"Look your twins!" Cher cherped in, me and Harry turned to look at her

"Or not, ha" then she left running upstairs, then Harry turned back to look at me, a fake smileon his face

"Show him Haz" Perrie rubbed his back, like he was about to show me bruises or something

He the tilted his head back to reveal a freaking huge hickey place in his neck, damn it was shocking big! but who..?

"Zayn" he said clearly reading my thoughts

"No way.." I whispered as I got close to him and tpuched the mark and he winced

"But, -wh- wha- how?!" I couldn't even talk properly

"Drunk." Liam said his eyes still glued to the floor

"This couldn't happen!" I sat down in the couch rubbing my face in desperation as I tried to get my head clear

"Niall, Harry mentioned feelings in this situation, matbe you t-" Perrie started

"No! I can't get feelings for him, not again, you know what happened Perrie, No! this was just a drunken mistakes, no!" I scream and sobbed as Harry quickly came and hugged me tight

"No.." I sobbed

"You can't lie to yourself forever Niall" Liam said resoning with Perrie

"Even if you deny it, you left mmarks" perrie said as I kept hugging Harry

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