Is Just So Fucked Up.

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Niall started walking back to his flat before his mom got there and start with the interrogation. Niall couldn't believe that it was Louis, he was positive it was a prank, even though the teats seemed real but everything he had done before had seemed real and it all turn out to be a huge disappointed.

He wanted someone to be with him but at the same time he didn't, he felt confused and upset, it was not a great feeling.

Entering his flat, sighing loudly knowing no one would be home making him realize how his life wasn't improving. Maybe his looks were not the solution of making his entire, but it made it a bit better.

He grabbed a chocolate ice-cream tub from the fridge and went to the sofa on the living room, letting himself fall on it and switching the tv on, he searched through the channels but nothing seemed to grab his attention.

Ring! Ring!

His phone beeped and he groaned, mouthed stuffed he answered

"Yes?" he said after swallowing

"Umm.. its Jay, Louis mom, I hope you remember its been a while since you visit" Niall's eyes widen at the mention of Louis mom

"Yes I remember, yeah a while, umm what may I help you with?"

"Louis isn't feeling well, he wont be able to go to school tomorrow, and I was wondering if you could bring his work tomorrow"

Niall froze, it had been a while since he went to the Tomlinson's residence and now with the earlier situation he finds it harder to decide wether it's a good idea but he will just for Jay

"Sure, no problem"

"Thank you and Niall?"


"I do miss you and so does he, and he finally is letting his feelings out, he needs you now the most, now that his making the big step" Jay said in a sad tone, Niall closed his eyes and took a deep breath

"Bye Jay, I'll go and hand him the work"

He heard Jay sigh

"Bye Niall"

Niall hung up and sighed he did a lot of that day but he hoped for the best tomorrow


Niall stood in front of Louis door and he didn't know what to do, its like he forgot how to work his body and he became frustrated with himself , finally determined to knock considering he was just leaving work nothing else really quick, he raised his fist, his knuckles five centimeters from touching the door when it opened revealing a surprised looking Jay but smiled quickly as he spotted Niall

"Hi Niall, Louis is upstairs sleeping, you can place the papers on, I hope you don't mind watching him for a bit, he is out of the mood" Jay frowned a bit, knowing her only was suffering

"Sure" Niall said

"It wont be long, just gonna pick up the girls" Niall smiled and nodded, Louis was asleep nothing could happen

"Thank you" Jay hugged him quickly and left getting on her car and Niall went inside in a so familiar place

Niall closed the door behind him quietly, he slowly walked around taking in the surroundings, it change a lot since last time

He then stopped in front of the stairs he sighed, 'just leave the papers and come back down' Niall thought to himself

He did it.

Now was just entering Louis bedroom, he slowly opened the door, he took a peek in and saw Louis peacefully sleeping, light snoring was heard

Niall stepped in, he tried to stop watching Louis but he couldn't, his feelings striking in

He finally placed the papers successfully but of coarse Louis started stirring and his eyes fluttered opened and widen at the sight of Niall

"Niall?" Louis sat up

"Sorry.. just- work.." Niall stuttered out as he saw Louis shirtless and now he had abs just wow

"Don't worry, is my mom downstairs?"

"No she went to pick up your sisters and asked me to check up on you, cuz you weren't feeling good"


There was a super awkward silence and then Niall spoked

"Why did you do it?"

"What?" Louis turned to look at him, a confused face was plastered on his

"Why did you did that on Starbucks, the letters, the notes, why?"

"Niall I don't want to talk about this" Louis stood up making his way across the room to get in to the bathroom but a hand gripped his arm, making him stop

"Why? was it a dare? a bet?" Niall tightened his grip

"No Niall, just cuz I ignore people it makes me heartless" Louis felt hurt with the doubts

"Sorry, just tell me" Niall begged and something inside Louis snapped and pinned Niall against the bathroom door

"Louis-" Niall got cut off when Louis placed his forehead against his and his lips dangerously close to his

Louis stared up at Niall and his lips already on Niall's bot kissing just pressing them but he quickly removed himself from him and covered his face with his hands, Niall was leaning back on the wall shocked

"I'm sorry, please leave" Louis said, his face still buried in his hands


"Get out!" Louis sobbed and Niall started walking fast speed out of Louis room, the door slammed shut as soon he stepped outside

Once downstairs he spotted Jay getting out if her car and the girls and he opened the front door and letting himself out and ran home, ignoring Jay's shouts


That night both boys thought about all, how they had messed up, how?,

How he ignored.

How he changed.

How he felt.

How he hurt.

How he broke.

How he fought.

How he cried.

How he played.

How he hurt.

How he broke.

How they had messed up.

How they had lost control.

How they had won.

How they had lost.

But most important,

How could they ignore.



Well bolds are always Louis or Zayn and the others obviously Niall and Harry.

Hope you enjoyed.

It takes more than an Apology (Nouis Horamlinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora