Crashing the party.

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<<Niall's POV>>

"So that means ..?" Liam asked Harry after his story

"Oh commom Liam! It means Party at The Malik's " Pez practiccly yelled

"So..." Liam was still confused

"Liam this means that we are going to a party tonight" I clapped my hands together the others noding

"Call Cher!" Haz told Pez and she quickly called her

"But I thought you guys hated Malik and Tomlinson and them!" Liam yelled shocked

"We do." Harry and I said in unison

"Then why are you going to his party?!" Liam shouted

"We are going, but it's not like they'll see us at the party is always packed I've heard so they won't bother us" I said as I stood up walking to the kitchen, Liam and Harry following behind me

"This is wrong Niall"

"No Liam, this isn't we are teenagers, we need fun, and a definition of funis a party" Harry said

"I'm not going" he protested

"Who said you had a choice" Perrie said behind him

"Not you too Pez" Liam whined

"Yep-" Perrie said popping the 'p' "-Now I'll drive you home and we'll meet up here again in 3 hours okay?" Pez continued

Everyone nodded

"This is wrong" Liam shook his head but walked towards the front door

"He won't say that when he get's laid tonight" Harry whispered and Pez laughed

"Bye guys, later" I waved as they climbed Perrie's car

"Later mate!"


"See ya"

With that a red jeep left the road with three british lads

Time to get ready.


It was almost time, Harry had texted me that they will pick me up in ten, I was ready I just placed my phone in my right front pocket of my jeans, and my wallet in the left back one, I checked myself in the mirror one more time.

I looked nice, nicer than other days, I was wearing black skinny jeans, my purple Supras, and my dark purple polo shirt. My hair was a nice spikey quiff and it look rather nice.

ThenI heard honking, I smiled to myself and ran down the stairs

"Bye mom!" I yelled

"Bye have fun and be save, remember to tell the guys they can sleep here after if they want" she yelled back

"Okay! Bye!" I opened the door closing it once I was outside and ran toward Perrie's car opening the backseat doors, entering.

"Well hello Horan" Cher greeted, she was wearing a blue crop top and white skinny jeans and her hair was her natural way

"Hello Lloyd" I winked at her playfully and she laughed

"Don't you look dashing Mr. Horan" Harry 'flirted' as cheesy he is and I laughed

"You do clean up well if I say so myself" I said it back

"Okay guys stop flirting with each other and lets go!" Pez shouted and started driving

They all looked nice, Harry has a his black skinny jeans, a plain white shirt and he had his curls all over the place, nothing new in that. Than Liam he has white jeans with a blue botton shirt and he had his curly hair. And finally Perrie she had a red shorts with black tights underneath them, and a black sleeveless blouse.

It takes more than an Apology (Nouis Horamlinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora