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Chapter 12:

Finn: you know we shouldn't be doing this
Addison: c'mon! How will they find out? I want to show Derek that I'm over him, I don't need him in my life.
Finn: okay, fine
(They have a moment)

*end of flashback*

Derek: HA! Finn? Really?! Have fun with your new life and please try to leave me out of it. (Walks out the door)

Derek goes to find Meredith and finds out that she's in a surgery that should be ending anytime soon. In the mean time Derek's pager goes off. He reads it and it says "911 Peds" instantly he knows it's one of his kids.

Meredith is in surgery and the surgery is about to end when she gets paged 911 to Peds. She hurries up and finishes with the patient and rushes to Peds. Derek is already there with Arizona explaining something to him.

Arizona: Bailey had a minor fever and a rapid pulse rate so we took a look at his scans and we found out that he has the stomach flu.
Meredith: oh ok, phew just the stomach flu. Well I don't mean that I just thought it was something more serious. Thank you Arizona! ( Arizona exits the room)
Derek: hey, I have some interesting news to tell you.... Im not the dad of Addison's baby, it's Finn.
Meredith: what do you want me to say? Congratulations?! Even though I know you and Addison did things?
Derek: Meredith I'm sorry but everything with Addison is over. Can we please get over this and start off new?
Meredith: fine, ill be done at 8pm. Take me out to dinner and get a babysitter for the kids. (Exits the room)

In the mean time, Meredith checks on the patient she just operated on and noticed that her vital signs werent normal. She decides to forgot about it since she knew she did everything right, it's probably just from the medications. However, Wilson knows something is wrong with this patient. She keeps telling Meredith but Meredith won't do anything about it. She finally gets fed up and goes to ask chief Webber.

Jo: Webber, I have a quick question!
Webber: what Wilson?
Jo: I have this patient that just had surgery and the vitals are abnormal. I told dr. Grey but she's not doing anything about it. I have the charts and know all the symptoms of the medicine but change in temperature, rapid pulse is not any of the symptoms. I feel like something is wrong with this patient.
Webber: (looks at the chart) well there is definitely something wrong with this patient. Order scans right away and page me when they're up.

Jo quickly runs the scans on the patient and pages Webber. Webber is looking at the scans and notices that there is an infection in the stomach that is growing very fast.

Webber: page doctor Grey right away!

(Meredith comes in the scan room)

Mer: you pag-
Webber: your ignoring your patients change in vital signs?! Do you know how dangerous that is?! Did you know who had to come and tell me about this?! Jo, your intern! If there is something wrong with any of your patients you don't ignore it, you find out what is going on! It's pretty bad if your intern is smarter than the attending! I don't know what this looks like to you but from my point of view, you may have just lost your job.

Greys anatomy (unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now