Mystery girl

892 17 3

Hey!!!! Sorry I didn't update quickly!! I had ALOT going on. Enjoy!

Chapter 17:

Alex goes to Joes bar to meet this 'mystery girl'. He has been waiting for a half an hour. Where is this girl?! He knew her and knew she would never be late. He starts thinking he got stood up when a brown hair lady comes up to Alex and taps him on the shoulder.

Alex: can I help you?!

Girl: Alex its me.

Alex: I'm sorry, do I know you?

Girl: Alex dont act stupid.

Alex: haha I'm sorry but who are you? Do I know you?

Girl: ALEX!! It's me!! Izzie?!

Alex: IZZIE?!

Girl: YEA!!

Alex: (kisses izzie on the cheek) You look so different! In a good way.

Girl: yea, thanks! Sorry I'm late.

Alex: oh it's fine. You know me, I'm always late to things so it's fine.

Girl: how are you? How's everyone at The hospital?

Alex: um well, I guess you could say we are good. Meredith and Derek have 2 kids now. They adopted one girl named Zola and just had a boy named Bailey. Cristina and Owen got married than got a divorce but are still seeing each other and she's nominated for the Harper Avery Award. Callie and Arizona are married even though Arizona cheated on Callie with an intern and Mark and Lexie died in a plane crash. So ALOT has happened. What about you?! What's knew with you? How's the cancer?!

Izzie: I'm doing great actually. I'm not totally cancer free which sucks because it keeps coming back but I still fight it. I moved to New

York for a little bit to see if I can find a job there. I did get a job however, it was a crazy work place. So why are you here?

Alex: oh, I'm-aa- you know me just wanted to get a drink after work. It was a long day.

In the mean time a blonde hair, skinny, short woman walks up to Alex.

Girl: hi are you Alex?

Alex: umm, yea. Why?

Girl: sorry I'm late. I didn't mean to keep you waiting.

Alex: oh, I wasn't meeting anyone. I just came here for a drink. Sorry I'm not interested.

Girl: oh, okay. Aaa bye

Alex had pretended he wasn't meeting anyone because he didn't want izzie to know that he was meeting another women.

Izzie: what was that about? "Oh I'm not interested?" Since when aren't you interested in girls? Did you turn gay? Did you screw every girl already In this bar?

Alex: no, I just changed a little. I grew up. I know that if I ever want to start a family I would have to become mature and grow up which is what I finally did.

Izzie: oooo a little change in Alex... I'm liking it.

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