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This is for my friend since she always bugging me to update, Love you and Happy Birthday !


"Okay I brought all your work from this past week." Kayla sat the small pile of homework on a small nightstand next to the large king size bed. She had just left school and came straight to Shon's house in an attempt to get him out of his depression. It had been 3 weeks since the shooting and it was taking its toll on everyone. His mother and father were stunned to find out that their own child had been a survivor of another tragic case of police brutality. Marvin almost lost his mind in the hospital, for hours no one would give him a straight answer on if his brother was okay. The hospital was filled with cops and news reporters. 

After the news aired a video from the incident taken by someone's phone, an entire fleet of protesters arrived outside of the hospital, thousands of people gathered in front of the hospital hoping to get the cop arrested. After a few days, everyone left when the news stated that the cop would be suspended with pay. Of course, people were angry but not enough to raise awareness. The Events played through Kayla's mind every day.

When Kayla rushed outside to see what was going on, her entire body just froze in time. It took the first 3 gunshots to get her out of shock. Hearing the love of her life plead and beg for help while blood dripped from his mouth was all it took for her to rush to the scene before anyone could hold her back. Running full speed, she attempted to run in front of Shon and shield him from the bullets as if her skin was made of steel. Before she could reach him an officer aggressively grabbed her arm, pulling her toward him and wrapping his arms around her body attempting to remove her from the scene. Kayla was having no parts in that she was not leaving his side so they could kill him, she was going to fight regardless of the repercussions. She tried pulling away from the officer but he wouldn't budge. She continued to tug at his hands and pull away from him all while screaming Shon's name over and over hoping to get some type of verbal response. After yelling his name so many times the worst was beginning to invade her thoughts, she looked at his lifeless body and began to fall to the ground crying hysterically. When the ambulance finally arrived, she was right there with him. Praying for the best she grabbed his hand squeezing tight promising to never let go.

When she looked to his bed she realized Shon was asleep in his bed. Kayla watched a sleeping Shon before laying down next to him on his bed. She wanted nothing more than to just lay there in silence. She listened to his breathing, watching his chest rise and fall. Everything seemed so simple in that moment no complications, no opposing opinions, just perfection. Kayla began to sit up in the bed as Shon began to shift in the bed, waking up from his power nap. The shooting had taken a lot of energy from him. He hated to have to lay in bed all day but he had no choice. As Shon came from under the covers on his bed to stretch his limbs, he noticed Kayla and instantly his mood changed. "Hey Kay Kay". The rasp of his voice sent a subtle chill down Kayla's spine, a feeling all too familiar. 

"Hey Sleepy head, I brought your work." Kayla flipped through the various pages of worksheets while explaining each assignment in detail. Shon just stared at her not hearing a word that left her mouth, He admired how she could go on and on about school work. In all honesty, it did nothing but make him want her more. Ever since the two-had sex everything changed and Shon had no problem accepting that. "Shon! Shon! Are you even listening?" Kayla gave him the infamous scowl she would give Shon when she was upset with him. It wasn't that she was upset she just wanted Shon to take his situation seriously, she felt that although he was dealt a card of misfortune he should still put 180% into getting better and maintaining his grades. Kayla wanted nothing more than for the both of them to walk across the stage in the spring. Kayla believed with all of her heart that he was capable of making a full recovery and she was going to do everything in her power make sure of it. 

"I'm sorry Kay but you started rambling again, I just been staring at ya this whole time. I don't mind though, I like to hear you talk." Kayla blushed before shaking her head and dismissing his comment. Shon gestured for Kayla to come and sit closer to him. He was horny and she was looking good with her olive green fitted dress that complimented her beautiful dark mocha skin tone. He needed a distraction from his injuries. Kayla crawled toward him, and sat in the spot he gestured to. Shon pulled her onto his lap being careful not to hurt his leg in the process. "Shon don't even think about it. We're supposed to be working on homework, and just because I forgave you means you can just have your way with me. You may have gotten shot a few times but I'll still beat your ass again if needed." 

Kayla avoided his gaze knowing she would give in if she looked in his eyes. "Just chill Kay, I just miss yo mean ass. I just wanted a hug from my beautiful best friend, is that too much to ask for. You giving that nigga Daniel getting all of your attention all of a sudden, I can't get no love from you no more." Shon was still astonished that Kayla was entertaining that goofy ass nigga. If anything could make him angry it was that his bestfriend was associating with the enemy. "That is not his name Shon, you acting real jealous right now." Kayla began to chuckle at the screw face he gave her once he said that. "Hell yeah I'm jealous, you giving that nigga all my loving and shit. But I know he can't please you like I can.

 If he even think about touching you I'll kill his ass." He said that last part with an unreadable face, then began to tighten his arms around Kayla's waist, burying his face in her neck. Her cocoa butter scent filling his nostrils'. "I'm sorry Kay Kay." She had an idea of what he was talking about but she wanted to hear him say it. "What are you talking about? Sorry for what?" Shon sighed and began to explain. "It took me a while to understand why you went off on me that day and damn near fucked my jaw up but now that I see you in the presence of another man I can honestly say it fucked me up a lil bit. I love you Kay and imma tell you right now one day I'm going to officially make you mine, I promise you that." That's all Kayla ever wanted to hear from him. Kayla turned around in Shon's lap and looked him deep in his eyes before their lips crashed into one another. Their lips moved in sync with one another while their hands roamed the others body. As the kiss became more intense the two fell backwards onto the bed. As the minutes passed their clothing was gone and they began to make love.


Jamie began to panic as she dialed Kayla's number again only to be met with her voicemail. Her stepfather continued to bang on her room door trying to get inside. "Open the motherfucking door bitch!" Jamie panicked as she ran to her bathroom. She closed and locked the door, before going to her window to unlock it. The window was old and rusted making it much harder for her to open. Her heart dropped as she felt a rough hand yank her down from the window and drag her across the bathroom floor. Her stepfather yanked her up by her long natural hair and slammed her into the wall. His pupils turned black as he stared into her soul, he lifted his hands to her neck before he proceeded to tighten his grip stopping her ability to breath. His grip was strong enough to cause Jamie to gasp for air but not enough to kill her. He wanted her to suffer. "Where the fuck is my stuff Jamie?" Her Stepfather questioned Jamie, his words laced in venom. Jamie was on the verge of passing out before her stepfather let go of her neck causing her to fall to the bathroom floor. "You ever try some shit like that again that's yo ass." The last thing Jamie remembered was the room spinning and the cold feel of the tile floor before she blacked out.

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