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So you won't be bored on the bus it's a little short but it's something !



Jamie's mother Mrs.Sheila finally came home from work hours later feeling exhausted. She almost dreaded coming home, knowing her husband would be in a drunken stupor. Sheila had known her husband James for years and after Jamie's father got sentenced to 10 years in prison for possession she decided it was time to evaluate her taste in men. Sheila met James in her last year of college, James had gone through 3 years of college and finally decided that maybe college wasn't for him so he withdrew and enlisted in the military. 

After 3 years of him being a marine he signed up to join special forces MARSOC. Sheila urged him not to fearing that once he left he would never return. She never thought that when he returned he'd come back with so many psychological issues. Sheila always wondered what happened to him that would cause him to become such a violent individual. However she loved him and felt that in due time he would return back to normal. When Sheila finally entered the house there was no surprise seeing James passed out on the floor surrounded by beer and hennessy bottles. 

Sheila walked past her husband in disappointment and traveled up the stairs to their room to shower. As she walked down the hallway to her room her heart dropped as she noticed Jamie's room door off of it's hinges and split in half. As if nothing else mattered to her Sheila dropped her purse by the door and ran inside of Jamie's room anxious to find her daughter and figure out what exactly was going on. 

As she entered the room she saw the glow of light from her bathroom and ran to that direction, as the image of her daughter's body laying lifeless on the floor caught her eye Sheila dropped to her knees and cupped Jamie's face in her hands as tears escaped her eyes and landed on the tile floor. Sheila quickly dried her tears and began to check for a pulse, as soon as she felt the faint pulse she picked jamie up and carried her all the way to her car. Sheila refused to lose her daughter this way. Sheila laid Jamie down in the back seat of her Mercedes- Benz and hopped in the driver's seat. She started the car and sped down the road.

4 hours later

Sheila sat on the side of Jamie's hospital bed anxious for her to wake up. The doctor assured Mrs.Sheila that Jamie had only suffered minor damages, her esophagus was bruised but it would heal with time and lots of rest. She was truly lucky that nothing else transpired. As Mrs.Sheila began to doze off she heard a faint cough and rustling of sheets.

 She looked over to her daughter awakening from her slumber. Sheila arose from her seat and rushed over to her daughter, she noticed Jamie looked as if she was confused and trying to talk. Instead Sheila hushed her daughter and gave her a sip of water from the bottle she had previously purchased in the waiting room. As Sheila caressed Jamie's cheek she notice a tear drop fall into her hand.

 After a few seconds more tears followed as Jamie began to bawl in her mother's arms. Jamie had been use to her father's drinking habits. The late night drunken rants, the holes in the wall, and the broken beer bottles. Jamie thought that if she hid his beer in a place he couldn't find it that maybe he would go back to that nice man she met when she was a child. 

Jamie hid all of his beer and hennessy underneath the sink where the cleaning supplies were located. After her Step father spent 5 minutes searching for the hidden liquor bottles, he assumed Jamie had taken his liquor for herself. He yelled and chased her throughout the house before Jamie finally locked herself in her room.

Little did Jamie know Sheila had something coming for her malevolent husband.


The mellow tones of sade's "is it a crime" filled Shon's car as Kayla drove him to his physical therapy appointment. It had been 2 weeks since his accident and Shon had become anxious to accelerate his healing process so he could prepare for basketball season. All the Doctors he had seen gave him the same disappointing news, they informed him that basketball would not be an option for him after such a severe injury. To Shon it didn't matter what the doctors told him, he believed that God had the final say so.

Shon gazed at Kayla as she cursed at the driver of a broken down 2003 Chevy Impala, carelessly switching in between lanes without a blinker. Her 4c hair was in a big poofy ponytail she covered the rest with a Miami Hurricanes hat Shon got her years ago, She dressed comfortably in Nike compression pants and a matching shirt. Kayla would say she looked rough with her face makeup free, hair flying with the wind, and clothes that were only meant for lounging, But Shon liked it. 

He always found himself telling her that she didn't need all those things to look good, her personality spoke volumes and that was enough for him. It took him this long to realize. "Damn Kay chill, how bout you ease off the gas baby. You tryna kill a nigga and shit." He held onto the door handle and tightened his seatbelt. "Shon did you not see that old lady swerving all over the place? She could've hit us, you should be thanking me lil boy." 

Kayla knew she wasn't the best driver but truth be told she only drove to school, Shon's house, and back home. She wasn't use to driving from one side of town to the other all day long. "Since when you started calling me that ?" Shon licked his lips while rubbing his waves forward he looked towards Kayla with a cheeky grin on his face. "Oh I can't call you that now? You been my lil baby, stop playing with me." 

Kayla arrived to the physical therapy facility and proceeded to pull into a parking spot. "Cmere pea head lil girl." Shon pulled Kayla toward him and gave her a passionate kiss, She playfully pushed him away before anything else could happen. "You know I really can't stand yo goofy as-" Kayla was stopped by the ringing of her cell phone, reaching into her purse to retrieve her phone. She looked at the caller ID and noticed it was Dwayne, it had been a few weeks since the last time they spoke. 

"Hello" Kayla was reluctant to say his name out loud knowing how territorial Shon could be. "Hey babygirl, I see you can't speak to a nigga no more." Kayla's entire facial expression changed once he made that remark. "Dwayne it's not even like that I've just been very busy lately, and why should I have to call yo-" As soon as she said his name Shon's

entire demeanor changed, he snatched the phone from Kayla ready to put Dwayne in his place. "Aye nigga wassup with you? Why you even calling my lady?" Shon's nostrils flared as he waited for a response. "Calm down lil nigga, and since when she yo lady? She won't be for long i'll tell you that right now." 

Shon clenched his jaw ready to kill this disrespectful nigga on sight. "Fuck you Bitch ass nigga, she ain't going no fucking where! Let me find out you still calling her imma beat the dog shit out cho clown ass, you got that nigga!" and with that Shon hung up and threw the phone back at Kayla. "Delete all his shit outcha phone, I don't want him talking to you no more." 

Kayla felt that the hostility between Dwayne and Shon was out of control and she didn't understand why, but she would soon find out. Not wanting to cause anymore drama Kayla decided to delete and block Dwayne's number. "Alright it's done, don't worry about him okay. Just focus on getting better." Kayla kissed and still tense Dwayne and proceeded to help him out the car and into the rehab center.


Her entire day was spent with Jamie in the hospital, her body was present but her mind was lost in the different ways she could murder her husband. Sheila had already made up her mind and she didn't care what the consequence would be she was going to kill her husband. She wanted him to die a slow and painful death. But she would need help in order to do it right and she knew exactly who to call.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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