Chapter 16

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I froze. As fast as a lightning, I sat up and looked Izaya in disbelief. 

"G-Go out?!" I yelped. My heart thumped faster than usual. Izaya raised his eyebrows.

"You don't want?"

"Well, it's not like I refuse, but-"

"Then it's settled. We're going out to the amusement park on Saturday!" Izaya raised his arm like a little child given a free candy. I stoned, dumbfounded by his words.

"Oh, you mean you want to hang out with me?" I repeated the question. 

Izaya smirked. "You thought of something else?"

"N-No! It just sounded wrong that I misunderstood." I denied.

"Well, if Keiko-chan wants to be my girlfriend, I'm fi-"

"I said I didn't think of that!" I raised my voice, hiding my embarrassment. My cheeks turned red immediately. "And who wants to date with you anyway," I muttered at the end. 

"I've been dumped." Izaya clutched his heart, pretending to be hurt when actually he felt nothing. Knowing Izaya, he rarely showed his emphatic feeling in front of people. Either he always played cold or played cheerfully like nothing happened. 

"I'm going home." I stood up, heading to the door. Izaya waved me goodbye. 

"Bye, Keiko-chan~," He said in a sing-song tone. 

I ended up going home alone at night around 9 pm. Thankfully Izaya's house to mine wasn't that far away so I only took twelve minutes to arrive at my house. By the time I came home, Mom was sitting on a dining chair, waiting for me.

"What were you doing? I thought you supposed to give those letters only." Mum scolded me. Well, she was just worried since I promised her that I'd been gone for only several minutes, yet I spent my time in Izaya's house nearly thirty minutes. 

"Sorry." I lowered my head down, feeling guilty. Mom sighed heavily. She stood up and walked to her room which was located on the first floor. I took her silence as a forgiveness so I headed upstairs and proceed to my room. 

As I entered my room, I went to the box and took out Azami's bunny doll. I named it as Azami as a reminder of my former best friend. I hugged it while jumping to the bed. 

"Azami..." I narrowed. "Izaya played with my heart again." 


I didn't like summer. It was too hot for me and I hated being attacked by the sun. I rather chose autumn as my favourite season. Another reason why I disliked summer was a midterm exam. I just felt lazy of studying. 

The subject that I hated the most was math. Every time I counted just like the formula, I always ended up getting a wrong answer. I didn't understand which mistake did I make even though I did like my teacher did on the board.

"You did a mistake, Keiko-chan."

I glared at the man sitting beside me. I would gladly throw this math book and scream if I weren't in the library. Izaya tapped the pen on the book as he pointed my mistake that I didn't notice. He held off his laugh.

"Don't be mad at me." He joked.

"I can't do this." I placed my head on the table, giving up. "Trigonometry isn't my favourite."

"You can't fail a math test. It would be embarrassing for someone smart like Keiko-chan to attend a remedial class." Izaya patted my head. He messed around with my hair. I sat up and adjusted my glasses.

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