Chapter 32

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"Mikage!" I called her out after my eyes finally caught her appearance during school ended. I tried to reach her out, thinking she might not hear me, but she turned around suddenly. I sighed in relief. She heard me.

"Don't get near me," Mikage spoke coldly, halted my steps right away. My smile faded away.

"Are you okay-"

"No, I'm not!" Mikage barked. "Tell your best friend that I hate him so much that I would kill him if I see his face again!"

I stunned, unsure of what to say next. Realising that it was pointless to mad at me, Mikage took a deep breath and calmed herself. She sighed then.

"I'm sorry, Keiko, I'm just not in a good state."

"I know." I nodded. "Mikage, you know that I'm always on your side right?"

Mikage nodded, but she didn't look focus.

"I want to thank you for saving me that night." I continued. "If you weren't in there, I would have died."

"It's a normal thing for me to do since you're not supposed in there."

Things became awkward between us after that. Both Mikage and I avoided each other eyes, didn't know what to say again.

"I have to go." Mikage spun. "Thanks for believing in me, Keiko."

I smiled. I just hoped she can be strong to through it this problem. A short time after she left, someone hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. My heart jumped a little, but I tried hard to not smile of his coming.

"What again, Izaya?" I glanced at his head.

"You were talking to that troublemaker?" Izaya smirked.

"She's not." I glared at him. "Anyway get off me. I need to leave."

"Why in a rush?" Izaya finally lets go of his hug and skipped back.

"I want to meet Nakura," I answered.

"Oh, you've already contacted him."

As soon as I got his number at lunch break, I phoned him. But he wouldn't answer. So in turn, I texted him. Soon after that, he replied me back and agreed to meet directly, though he was confused why I, of all people, wanted to meet him. We never met before, nor talked to each other. He may only know me as Izaya's best friend. We then discussed the place and the time, fortunately, he had a time and ended up agreeing to meet at a cafe after school. He said he didn't want to be near to my school so he chose quite far from here.

I got nervous all of sudden. I never met Nakura before. I only know him from Izaya.

I glanced at my phone nervously, waiting for his coming. I immediately went here right after school. The sound of people talking made me more nervous than before. Truthfully, I was planning to see Mikage once again, but she wasn't in her class. Her classmates said that she went straight home after that break. 

Suddenly the sound of door opening startled me. A person wearing a black hoodie and jeans walked to me in rush and sat in front of me. I frowned. 

Who is this mysterious guy?

"You're Asagao Keiko, right?"

"Are-Are you Nakura?" I tilted my head. I was surprised to see his all-black and hidden appearance.

Nakura flipped back his hoodie, revealing his face. I froze.

I couldn't remember his old appearance, but I knew something changed on him. His hairstyle reminded me so much of Izaya, it might be a coincidence. He looked like a delinquent to me. He wore two black earrings on his ears. I thought he was gonna wear his school uniform.


"Look  I don't know what you want, but if it's something related to Izaya, it's not my business." Nakura cut me instantly.

"No, it doesn't have something to do with Izaya." I shook my head. "It's my personal business. I just want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Do you know Azami? Tokugawa Azami?" I touched the topic directly, not wasting any time. 

Nakura frowned deeply. To my surprise, he shook his head seconds later. "Never heard that name before. Who?"

What? "But you visited her in the hospital a year ago."

"What the hell? I never went to the hospital to visit people. And I wasn't in Ikebukuro a year ago."

Things had become more strange suddenly. "But the nurse in there said that you visited her-"

"Look, I didn't know who Azami is and I never visited anyone in the hospital before. You got a wrong person."

"But they mention your name!"

Nakura stopped talking. He stared at me for a while before he pulled off a smirk. "Did they only mention my name?"

I nodded.

"Shit! That bastard really use my name whenever he wants!" Nakura spat. What? What did he mean?

"What do you mean?"

Nakura laughed. "I'm surprised you don't know anything as his best friend. Look, Asagao Keiko," He leaned forward, placing his arm on the table. "The Nakura who visits that Azami kid is not me."

"Huh?" I frowned. "I don't understand."

"My name has been used by someone else so it might not be me who visit that kid."

Wait a second. So he meant that someone else using his name was the one who visited Azami? Why it become more complicated? I decided to play along with the conversation. "If it's someone else, then who?"

"Why don't you ask your dear best friend if you still with him? He did a good job to trick you anyway."

I stared at his eyes, hoping that I would find him lying, but he seemed to look serious. 

I think I need an explanation from Izaya.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! The reason why I make this short is because I want to make it cliffhanger (hehehe). I don't know much about Nakura so I apologise if I kinda write him out of character.

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