Chapter 1

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Hey i started this book in 2014 i was only 13 so please excuse my horrible writing i'm editing all the chapters but i unpublished then so i can review it check up somethings i'm going to change Katie's character to Alexis Ren who is Instagram famous  and a model hopeful reediting this book would make this book better so enjoy - Alixandra 5/4/18

(Katie's Point of View)

*beep* *beep* I turned off my alarm clock and dragged my body out the bed.

And of course, my body hurts as usual. I went to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Red and puffy eyes form all that crying last night. I always cry myself to sleep... why? Because Justin Bieber, Chaz Somers and Ryan Butler, the biggest players of my school, hit me. They hit me whenever they want me.

And why am I, Katie Johnson, their victim? Well, simply because I'm the nerd. And they ain't the ones who hit me, my dad hits me too.

Sometimes, he hits me with his beer bottle, which he loves more than anything else in the whole world. The love he had for me is now gone. He stopped loving me after a car crash, in which my mom died but I survived.

I was 4 years old that time. My dad says it's my fault but it's not... she'd lost control over the car and drove into a tree. She'd hit her head hard, so she died. Though, sometimes it feels like it's my fault... but I know it's not.

Anyways, I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair. I wore my favorite blue jeans, my white tank top with my grey pink hoodie on top and some white converse. I go out the house with my hoodie on because I don't want people to see or ask about my bruises and scars. I also put some make-up, but not much because I'm naturally "beautiful". I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.

I actually like mornings because my dad's at work and Justin and his crew aren't here. But... they all live on the same street as me and not so far awayfrom here.

I got out the house and started walking to school. While I was walking, I heard something behind me, but I ignored it and kept walking.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my wrist. Tight. I knew who it was .I turned around and saw Justin, Chaz and Ryan Isn't life amazing 

Ryan: "Hey nerd! You should stop being so nerdy. (They laughed and I rolled my eyes. Ryan slapped me. Hard.) Never EVER roll your eyes at me EVER again!! You hear me??"

You: "Don't you tell me what to do! Like do your homework? Well guess what, I ain't gonna do it anymore! You hear me?"

They looked at each other and pushed me hard, making me fall on the ground. They started kicking me on my stomach. I was coughing and crying but they didn't care.

After a while they stopped.

Ryan: "You ARE gonna do our homework and I CAN tell you what to do! Just face it... NERD!"

He smiled and kicked me one last time.

They walked away, leaving me alone on the ground... just like that.

When I finally got to school, every pair of eyes was on me. But I'm used to it now... I'm used to everything that happens in Atlanta. I walked to my locker and took out my math books.

I walked to class and sat down on my deck, next to Justin. Yes, he's in my math class. He's actually in all my classes 

When Mrs. Lewis, our math's teacher, walked in, she looked at me with worried eyes.

Mrs. Lewis: "Are you ok Katie? Your cheek is red."

I looked at Justin next to me and he help is finger in front of his lips. I looked back at Mrs. Lewis.

You: "Yeah, I'm fine."

i really wanted to tell Mrs.Lewis i wasn't fine but if i did i knew what exactly would come               

A\N     sorry short chap 


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