chapter 28

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As I heard his name I got a lump in my stomach again and looked back at Justin.

Voice: "Justin! Come here!" A guy shouted from behind Justin who being here wasn't here.

He was... lost. The guy walked to him and practically dragged Justin with him. That was way weird.

You: "Do you know Justin?" He laughed.

John: "No I don't know that kid."

But I know something was up. Why did Justin react like that when he saw John? It must have meant something.

John: "C'mon"

He grabbed my wrist like earlier in the house and it hurt a bit but I didn't say anything. We bought some furniture and set it up in the house including my room.

We were done at about 11 p.m. and I was exhausted.

You: "Is it ok if I go to bed?" John was on the couch in the living room and with a beer in his hand.

John: "Yeah night" He mumbled and I went up to my room.

I changed into my PJs went to bed.

It just don't feel right here. I don't know I feel like I've been here before. But this house is new. I drifted to sleep with all these thoughts.

I found myself picking up a phone and running to a basement. I locked the door shut and sat in a corner. Someone kept banging on the door and shouting but I didn't open it. My phone was ringing and Justin's name flashed on the screen.

I woke up sweaty, breathing hard and unsteady. It was just a dream, a nightmare. It's all good. I looked at my clock and it was only 4 a.m. My phone beeped and I looked at it, finding it with a low battery.

I tiptoed to John's room since he had my charger but his room was too dark and I stumbled on something falling on the floor.

John: "What the hell?!" I slowly crawled to a corner and he turned on the lights.

He got up and looked around as I covered my mouth, trying to keep myself calm. He turned the lights off and let out a heavy sigh. The second I heard him snoring I took the charger and went out of his room.

My heart was beating so fast I was shaking. John was kinda a scary but he wasn't mean. I plugged my phone in to the charger and went to bed again.

In the morning, when I woke up I heard John talking downstairs. I slowly walked down but stopped when I saw him in the hall.

He was talking to someone on the phone, looking stressed, walking back and forth.

John: "Kill her? Are you sure though? No, no ok. I won't. Yes. okay bye."

I tiptoed back to my room replaying his words in my mind. Kill? Who? Them thoughts eventually got out of my head and did my morning routine. I had a big scar on my arm. It was bothering me more and more with passing days. But what disturbs me the most is that it'll always be there.

I grabbed my phone and took some money walking downstairs. John was on the couch with a beer in his hand. Just like yesterday.

You: "I'm going out" He looked at me.

John: "Where are you going?

You: "I don't know. (I shrugged) Probably the mall or something" He nodded.

John: "Leave now. I don't know wanna see your face" He mumbled and looked at the TV again.

What did he just say?

You: "What did you say?" I worded out my thoughts but he ignored me.

I walked out the house. Did he just say he didn't want to see my face? Or was I hearing things? This is so confusing! I don't know if he said that or not or that dream was a nightmare or a flashback... just urgh!

The mall wasn't far so I walked to it. I bought myself a juice and sat down on bench.

Voice: "Oh my gosh!!" Someone shouted and I jumped, dropping my juice. Great.

2 guys stood in front of me.

You: "Umm can I help you?"

Guy 1: "Katie! it's us! Don't you recognize us?! (He paused) I'm Chaz and this Ryan. Please remember!"

You: "It's my fault"

Chaz: "No it's not your fault you got hit by a car instead of marrying Christian an—OH YEAH! You lost your memory! I forgot that sorry" He let out a nervous laugh.

You: "I was talking about the juice and to the janitor but what the hell are you talking about?! (I kinda shouted the last part earning attention for people around us) Sorry (They got back to their business and I looked at the guys) Well?!" Ryan guy elbowed Chaz glaring at him and then looked back at me.

Chaz: "Umm I was uh.. you know... Oh look! What a cute dress!" He pointed and I actually fell for it.

When I looked back at them, they were gone. I saw them running and ran after them ending up in front of a big house. I rang the doorbell and Chaz openedthe door. He was breathing hard and was all red.

You: "Don't you run away again." I pushed him away and walked inside with him.

Voice: "Katie, what are you doing here?" I turned and saw Justin. I looked him in his eyes.

You: "I uh... came here to see you"

You: "But you didn't even know I live here?"

You: "But now I do. (I smiled sweetly and we all sat down in the living room.) So Justin, why did you act so weird at the furniture shop?"

Justin: "That was my bodyguard and forget what happened at the furniture shop."

You: "Why do you have bodyguard?"

Justin: "Forget it" I nodded and looked at Chaz.

You: "and Chaz, what were you talking about?" He looked at Justin who was shaking his head and turned back to me.

Chaz: "Me? Pfft! I was just uh... (He paused) You want some redbull?"

You: "Chaz!! Just stop it! It's not funny anymore! How would you feel if you didn't know anything about your old life?"

Justin: "But I told you about your old life Katie."

You: "You did. You also said the Beadles were my real family but they weren't. You lied Justin so shut up" I snapped and he sighed.

Justin: "We want to tell you Katie. But we just can't."

You: "Fine. I'm gonna kill myself then." I stood up and they did too.

You: "Whoa there. Slow down" He grabbed my wrist.

You: "What do you want Justin? I don't wanna live like this"

Justin: "I understand bu-"

You: "No you don't understand!" I got my hand out of his grip and ran to my house.

You: "Hey John." He was still on the couch with his beer.

John: "Sup b-b-biiitch? (He laughed and dropped his beer. He got up and looked at me.) Clean! That! Up!" I took a step back.

You: "Why are you mad at me? I wasn't the one who dropped it" I took another step back and my phone beeped.

Justin texted me: 'You have to get out of there! Now!!'

I looked up and John who looked like he'd transform into Hulk any second now.


I looked at the front down and before I knew it, I was running down the street with John following me.

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