chapter 23

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I was paralyzed. I didn't know what to do.

One half of me wanted to just shout yes and jump in his arms but the other half wanted to reject him and go to Justin because he's my first real love. I love Christian too though. He's sweet and everything but I just don't know.

I mean, I just slept with Justin and if Christian finds out, I don't think he'd want to marry me. Christian looked nervous because of my silence.

I looked at Justin who seemed to have mixed feelings. Anger, confusion, sadness yet happiness. Caitlin, Will and Sandi looked happy.

I mouthed "Sorry" to Justin and looked at Christian.

You: "Yes, yes I will."

We both stood up, me from the chair and him from the floor. He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me, making the whole restaurant cheer.

When Justin and I got in our hotel room, I was still staring at the ring. It was gorgeous and so sweet but it just don't feel right. He'd never propose if he knew what I've done. I sighed.

Justin: "Are you ok shawty? (He took off his shirt and my eyes caught his abs. w o w) I'm sexy I know."

You: "Oh yes you are."

I was still staring at his eyes. When I realize I had said that out loud, I looked at his face and slapped my hand on my mouth, making him chuckled.

Justin: "You're cute Katie."

He changed into his PJ's and so did I. we got in bed and I was kinda worried.

You: "Are you mad?"

Justin: "No why?"

He mumbled.

You: "Justin, I said yes! But even if I wanted to, I couldn't just say 'no, wanna know why? Because I slept with Justin.'"

Justin: "I understand. But I still want to be with you."

You: "Me too..."

I whispered.

After that, none of us said a word and eventually I fell asleep.

Out of nowhere, I found myself walked down the street and saw a piece of paper on the ground. It read: 'I know what you've done' my heartbeat got louder as I felt sweat forming on my forehead. I screamed and rand to my husband who wa-

Voice: "KATIE!" I sat up straight, panting and Justin looked at me.

Justin: "You were screaming shawty. What's wrong?"

You: "Uh no nothing. Just (I sighed) Just a bad dream."


So, today is the day. My wedding day.

Hair dresser: "You must be really happy today"

You: "Uh yeah. Yeah I'm happy."

He smiled and I smiled back. I got a weird feeling in my stomach and ran to the bathroom.

I just threw up. Not a very good start of the day.

I brush my teeth of about 5 minutes and went back.

Hair dresser: "Are you ok?"

You: "Yes"

I sat down and he worked on my hair as he talked and talked.

Hair dresser: "And you're done!"

He looked proud and I looked at myself in the mirror. I loved how he did my hair.

You: "Thank you"

I hugged him.

Hair dresser: "No problem sweetie. (He looked in the mirror and gasped) Oh my gosh! I really need to fix my hair"

I laughed and went to Caitlin. She's the bridesmaid.

You: "You look beautiful!"

Caitlin: "Aww thank you but you look gorgeous!"

She gave me a hug and smiled but it turned into a frown just Justin's face popped up in my head.

Caitlin: "What's wrong?"

She took my hand and we sat down.

You: "I can't do this."

I whispered.

Caitlin: "Why?"

You: "I've done something. Something really stupid."

Caitlin: "You're scaring me Katie."

I sighed.

You: "I slept with Justin."

I whispered but she heard it.

Caitlin: "Wh-what? When?! Yo--"

She shouted but I covered her mouth.

You: "Shh don't shout! (She nodded and I took my hand away from her mouth.) In the Bahamas. We kissed and one thing leads to another..."

Caitlin: "Oh my gosh Katie! Why?? Chris must be so crushed!"

You: "Uh yeah... he uh, he doesn't know."

I gave her a nervous smile.

Caitlin: "This is bad Katie. Really bad"

You: "I know but what can I do now? What should I do?"

Sandi: "Are you ready?"

She walked in and we stood up.

You: "Yes"

We walked out. Sandi went to where the guests were and Caitlin came to me and Will, who'd walk me.

Caitlin: "Just do what you think it's right ok?"

She whispered and walked in. the classic music started playing in the background and Will and I slowly walked in. Everyone stood up smiling.

I looked at Christian, who looked happier than ever, then, I looked at Justin. He got me butterflies. I kissed Will's cheek and walked up.

Christian held my hand and the minister started talked. About 3 minutes had passed and he was still talking.

Minister: "Does anyone have a reason why they shouldn't get married?" Voice: "I do!"

All them heads snapped to the voice and it was... Justin?    

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