chapter 13

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It felt like someone had just shot me in the heart! I just got together with the boy I love and now I'm moving away from him?! And, and Ryan and Chaz!! My best friends!

You: "WHAT?! No! no, no, no!"

Dad gave me a death glare telling me I'm gonna regret this later.

Dad: "I'm sorry sweetie, but I got a new job in North Carolina and we have to move."

You: "B-but no!"

I shook my head as tears rolled down my cheeks. If there weren't these people here, my dad would've beaten the crap out of me!

Dad: "Go out with those boxes Katie. Now."

I did as told and soon was time to leave. I wrote a letter to Justin, Chaz and Ryan and left it on my bedroom floor. They will probably find it there.

I walked out the house and face it. Dad, who was already in the house, horned.

Dad: "Katie we have to go!"

He shouted.

You: "Good bye house. Good bye Ryan and Chaz. Good bye... Justin."

I sighed and pilled in the car. My dad sped off and I kept looking at the house 'till I couldn't see it anymore.


You: "What?"

Dad: "You can't just cry in front of all those people!"

You: "Sorry..."

Dad: "Just... Just shut up!"

He sighed and drove faster.

The whole ride, I kept thinking about the boys.

All my life, I hated them so much and I wanted to just get away from them. But now, now that I love them with all my heart and just wanna be with them, I have to move... even thought North Carolina ain't so far away from Atlanta, it's far enough not to see them as much as I want to.

I glance over my dad and he looked like he always does: like everything is perfectly fine and nothing happened.

Now I realize how much I truly hate him! Just 'cuz he has a bad life, he has to make sure he gets to ruin mine too.

I wiped away my tears and fell in a slow sleep. Later, I woke up with my dad's annoying voice yelling my name. I got out the car and looked at the new house. It was really big!

You: "Is this really our house?"

Dad: "No. That's why we're here. (He rolled his eyes) Now help me with the furniture!"

I sighed and helped him out. We worked all day and got everything done. It looked better than our old house but it don't feel so good without the boys here.

I went to my room. I was getting real nervous because tomorrow I was going to a new school. I really didn't wanna be the famous nerd again. I took a warm shower. It always helps me relax.

I changed into my PJ's and went to bed. I had a dream about the first water-fight I had with the boys. It was one of the best days of my life.

Next morning I woke up to my alarm. I turned it off and did my morning routine. I worse some clothes and straightened my hair. I also wore some make-up so no-one would notice any bruises. I grabbed my bag and went out the house.

I was walking to school.

Voice: "Hey! Wait! (I turned to the voice and saw a girl with long brown hair like mine running to me.) Hey!"

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