chapter 30

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After a while I slowly stood up and went out the classroom to the hall finding John in the end of the hall staring at me.

You: "What do you want?!" I shouted.

John: "I want you"

You: "Who are you?!" I was crying at this point and he chuckled.

John: "Don't you remember?" I just closed my eyes and instantly got tons of flashbacks.

The car accident with my mom, bullied by Justin, Ryan and Chaz, hit by my dad, friends with the guys, the water fight, my first kiss with Justin, moving to South Carolina, the Beadles, going to Alabama, running away to South Carolina, adopted by the Beadles,the Bahamas, almost marrying Christian, hit by a car... I REMEMBER! My life.

I opened my eyes and saw him still where he was.

You: "D-dad?" He nodded.

Dad: "You belong with me baby"

You: "How did you get outta jail?!"

Dad: "Let's just say... I'm smart. (He smirked and began walking to me, making me run. My leg was hurting like hell but I couldn't stop with a psycho after me.) No need to run honey. You can't get out."

I ran upstairs and hid behind a big trash can. As I heard footsteps coming up I covered my mouth with my hand. He walked pasted me and looked around with clear anger in his eyes.

Dad: "Kaaatieeeee! (He went inside a classroom but came right out) C'mon you can't hide forever! (He laughed and I accidentally moved making a sound. He looked at my direction and smirked) Oh Katie. I guess you got your brain from your mom"

I crawled away from the trash can but he grabbed my leg and pulled me to him, crawling over me. He stroked my cheek and down my body. I feel disgusted.

You: "Please." I whispered looking in his eyes.

Dad: "Aww those puppy dog eyes don't work with me so don't even try (He tied my arms and legs tight and picked me up) Let's get out of here before the alarm goes off and the police comes (He kissed my cheek smiling and threw me in a car. He got in and locked the door. I kept trying to untie myself but failed miserably.) We're here (He stopped the car outside what looked like an abandoned house.) No-one can find us here baby girl" He unlocked the doors and got out.

He carried me inside and laid me down in an old bed. He untied me but tied me to the bed.

You: "Please let me go! It wasn't my fault mom died! I was 4 dad! 4!" He scratched his neck and shook his head.

Dad: "No! Shut up bitch! Just shut the fuck up!!" He threw something against the wall and scratched his neck again.

You: "Are you... nervous?" I chuckled. He walked to me and punched my nose making me scream in pain. He got on top of me.

Dad: "Remember the night in the basement?"

You: "How can I forget?" I spat on his face.

Dad: "Hmm naughty. I actually like it. Now... let's have some fun"

[Justin's Point of View]

After that talk, we kept playing Xbox. Well they were playing Xbox, I was thinking of Katie.

You: "Guys, I have a new song. I wanna know what you think of it"

Ryan: "Sure man"

I grabbed my guitar and was about to play but I heard someone scream.

You: "Did you hear that?" They shook their head so I shrugged the feeling and sang "That Should Be Me" to them.

Ryan: "Justin bro that was awesome!" He hi-5'd me and I smiled but it soon faded when I thought about the scream.

You: "Seriously guys I did hear a scream. Wait (I walked out the house and down the street but it was dark and empty. I was walking back home but something caught my eye. It looked like blood. I followed it and it led to my school.) What the hell?" I whispered to myself.

The trail ended so I sat down on a bench and waited. I don't know what for but I felt like something was about to happened. After a few minutes I heard something so I turned around and saw Katie and John! He threw her in a car, got in a drove off.

I ran back home, took my car and drove back to school. To my surprise, his car was just living school. I thought he'd be gone or something.

I followed him 'till his stopped in front of an old house. I saw him carrying Katie inside and shut the door.

I sat in my car thinking what should I do. I got out and went to a broken window. I saw Katie tied on a bed and John with a gun pointed at Katie.

My eyes went wide and I ran in. John looked surprised to see there. I tackled him down, making both of us fall. I took the gun and shot him, making his arms fall down.

I got up and went to Katie. I untied her and hugged her, kissing her head every now and then. Neither of us said anything, just hugged each other.

You: "C'mon. Let's get outta here" I took her hand and turned around. I saw John with a gun pointed at me.

John: "Say good bye Justin." He shot me.

That's the last thing I remember.

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