chapter 3

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You: NOO!!!

 (Everyone in the room looked at me.)

Mr. Scott: "Is there a problem, Katie?"

You: "Umm... no. Everything's fine."

Mr. Scott: "Ok then. Get together with your pairs and get here in an hour. And if you want to ask something, I'll be in the cafeteria."

Everybody walked out leaving me and Justin in the room. We just sat there and after a few minutes, Ryan and Chaz walked in.

Justin stood and they did their brotherly handshake.

Ryan: "What's up dude?"

Justin: "We've been set up in pair to get to know each other. And I have to get to know... (He looked at me.) Her."

Chaz: "Ooh! I feel sorry for you man."

Ryan grabbed my arm that was hit with the beer bottle by my dad and I semi-screamed in pain.

Ryan let it go and took a few steps back.

I started crying and they just simply laughed.

Ryan pushed me off my chair and I fell on the floor and he kicked me on my stomach.

You: "Pl-please... please don't h-hurt me any-more..."

He stopped.

Ryan: "And why not?"

Chaz and Justin came to us and they all looked down at me. I slowly took off my hoodie.

You: "Because m-y body al-already hurts..."

Their eyes went wide when they saw all my scars and bruises.

Chaz: "Oh My Gosh..."

He whispered. It looked like they had seen a ghost.

Justin: "Did you... uh... umm... you..."

Ryan: "Did you get all that from... us?"

You: "Not just you..."

Ryan: "Here, let me help you up."

You: "I can't... it hurts to move..."

They sat down around me and helped me sit up.

Ryan: "So, what do you mean you didn't get these from just us?"

You: "You really are dumb."

Justin: "Please tell us."

You: "But don't tell anyone, ok? Please? (They nodded and I sighed, preparing myself.) M-y umm my dad hits me... (I took off my bandages from my arm.) like this... he hit me yesterday with umm a b--"

Chaz: "A hat?"

You: "A beer bottle."

I could see the regret in their eyes.

Justin: "You have to tell someone about this Katie."

I shook my head.

You: "I can't... (I slowly stood up.) And neither can't you, guys. Please tell the teacher I went home and I'll bring your homework tomorrow. Don't worry."

With that, I walked away, leaving them speechless.

When I got home, I saw my dad sleeping on the couch in the living room with 5 empty bottles on the table in front of the couch.

I sighed and walked up to my room. After a few hours my dad woke up shouting.


I ran downstairs to the living room.

You: "Yeah? (He pointed at a broken bottle on the floor with a mad face.) What? I didn't do it."

His face turned bright red, a sign that he's madder than ever, and he came to me. I took a few steps back. I turned around and ran. He ran after me and grabbed me by my hair, pulling me back. He punched me.


You: "I'm sorry!"

He punched me again, but this time harder, and I fell on the floor. He got on top of me and kept punching me. Harder and harder.

When he was about the give me a last punch, someone knocked on the door. He looked at me.

Dad: "Say a word and you'll regret it."

He took my hand and literally dragged me to the kitchen so no one could see me. He walked to the hall and I heard him open the door.

(Justin's Point of View)

When school was over, Chaz, Ryan and I walked to Katie's house. We looked at each other and I knocked on the door. The door opened and a tall and big man stood there. I looked down at his hands and they were bloody. I looked at him again.

You: "Hello. Is Katie home?"

Man: "No, she's not. I'm her dad, John. Who are you?"

His voice was creepy.

You: "Umm I'm Justin and these are Ryan and Chaz. (I pointed at each of 'em and they mumbled hi.) Can you tell her we were here, please?"

John: "Sure, have a good day."

You: "Huh, yeah, you too."

With that, he closed the door and we walked away.

You: "Did you see his hands?"

Chaz: "Yeah man. They were full of blood!"

Ryan: "Guys, what if he did something to Katie?"

You: "What if?! Dude, he already HAS done something to Katie. Something bad."

Ryan: "So, what should we do now? I don't wanna go back there. That guy's creepy.

Chaz: "Yeah but (He sighed) we have to do something."

You: "Aight, how about this... we go home now and tomorrow, in school, we'll ask Katie about it."

They agreed.

(Katie's Point of View)

I heard Justin's voice. He's here! I tried screaming but I couldn't. When I heard the door close, I started crying because nobody could save me now. Dad walked back in.

Dad: "You have been a good little girl, Katie."

You: "He-help me-e... "

Dad: "Aww, do you want me to help you?"

You: "P-ple-ase..."

Dad: "Since you didn't say anything, I will. (He carried me up to my room and threw to my bed.) See you tomorrow."

With that, he walked out, slamming the door.

I laid lifeless in my bed and cried for hours. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. Just to lift a foot, hurt.

Even breathing hurt! How am I supposed to go to school tomorrow? I sighed. I guess I'll just to go anyways.

When I looked at my face in the mirror, I couldn't recognize my own self. Bloody face, swollen eyes and lips... I washed my face in pain, 'cuz it was burning like hell.

After that, I changed into my pj's and went to bed...



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