chapter 29

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I was still running with John after me.

What was I thinking when I said I wanted to move in with him?! I don't even know him! I thought it's be ok because he seems nice but he's a psycho!

I turned my head and saw him close. I stumbled and fell but quickly got up and ran to Justin's street.


[Justin's Point of View]

When I got to Atlanta, I took a cab to the studio where Scooter, Usher and my mom were waiting for me.

Mom: "Hey honey" She hugged me.

You: "Hey" I threw my bag to the couch.

Usher: "Sup man. Everything aight?"

You: "Yeah let's just get started"

Usher: "Aight, here's your new song. I want you to sing it"

The title was: "That Should Be Me" I mumbled the lyrics to me and actually liked it. I remembered Katie as I read it. I went to the recording booth and put my headphones on.

You: "Everybody's laughing on my mind..." I kept singing with Katie in my mind.

Usher: "Awesome kid!" He hi-5'd me.

You: "Thanks. I'm really tired though. Can I go home?"

Mom: "Sure sweetie. See ya later" She kissed my cheek and I said bye to everyone.

I took a cab home and fell asleep with Katie in my mind.

Days passed and I really didn't do anything. Kept working in the studio and hanging out with Chaz and Ryan.

I remember when I had that water fight with Katie and the guys. Good times. Though, those times probably won't come.

To be honest I'm glad Christian and Katie didn't get married. I always pictured Katie and I. Not Katie and Christian. He's cool but no.

Scooter: "We have to go now" I ran to the limo.

Kenny, Scooter, mom and I are going to the furniture shop because Scooter wants a new couch and I wanna help him. I tried every couch and bed but I was getting tired so I sat down in a random couch.

Voice: "Justin!" I know that voice. I looked up and stood quickly up.

You: "Katie?! What are you doing here?" I was surprised but so happy.

Katie: "I just moved here"

You: "With the Beadles?"

Katie: "No. With a man I met in a café I used to work at." Is this girl insane?!

You: "What?! You're telling me you moved her with a complete stranger?"

Katie: "Well yeah but don't worry. He's not dangerous or anything." Yeah because you already know him don't you?! This girl!

You: "I want to meet him" She turned around and a man was coming to us.

Katie: "Here he is." He stood next to her.

Is that... John?  Or just someone who looks like him?

Man: "Who's this?" He smiled.

Katie: "This is Justin."

Man: "Hey there Justin (He stretched out his hand) I'm John."

I thought I was about to faint or attack him. But I just froze and kept looking at the evil smirk he had on his smile.

Suddenly I found myself home on the couch. That was a flashback. But I can't believe I saw John again. What if he hurts Katie again? He hasn't done anything to her now so maybe he won't do anything... right? But, what the hell is he doing out the jail? And how did he get out?

Them thoughts calmed down a bit when Ryan and Chaz came over to play video games.

Chaz: "Ryan! Move!"

Ryan: "Justin?"

You: "Yeah?"

Ryan: "What's up with you?"

You: "I got something to tell you guys." They stopped playing and I told them everything.

Chaz: "No way!" His jaws dropped.

You: "Way"

Ryan: "B-but that means John can kill Katie!"

You: "Psst no! He won't kill her (I let out a nervous chuckle) I hope" I mumbled.

[Katie's Point of View]

I kept screaming their names but no-one came out. No-one from the whole neighborhood either.

I turned my head and saw John still after me. I couldn't take it anymore and just stopped to catch my breath making John jump on me.

You: "Get off of me!" I shouted in his face as he tried to tie my hands with a rope.

The guy even had a knife. I managed to push him and got but I felt a sharp pain on my leg. Urgh that psycho stabbed me! I kept running anyway and he was walking after me laughing every now and then because I couldn't walk that fast anymore.

I ran to a strangely familiar school and broke the window with a rock to get in. I didn't have another choice. I ran to a random classroom and sat down in a corner.

Relax Katie. John can't find me here... right?

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