chapter 6

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, finding myself in the basement. My hands and feet where tied around the chair I was seated on and my mouth was covered with duct tape, not allowing me to scream.

I heard footsteps and the door opened, revealing my dad.

Dad: "Hey Katie. How are you? Oh, by the way, sorry for the sleeping thing I gave you (He smirked and I tried untying the rope.) No, don't even try cuz it ain't gonna work."

He ripped the duct tape from my mouth, making my lips and cheeks burn!


He punched me right between my eyes.

Dad: "That won't work either!"

I cried, but I knew it wouldn't help. He kept punching me... over and over again. He duct taped my mouth and walked back up, closing the door.

I just sat there, in the middle of the basement, for the rest of the day and night, without food or water.

Next morning, I had no saliva in my mouth, I was hungry... I felt so weak. I heard the open and my dad walked in.

Dad: "Good morning sunshine. Did you sleep well? (I just stared at him in disgust and he chuckled.) Don't worry Katie. I already called your school and told them you couldn't come today. Since it's Friday, get ready cuz we're gonna have so much fun tonight."

He smirked and walked back up, closing the door.

It was hard to breathe properly cuz my mouth was shut.

The hours passed as I got weaker. I was almost asleep when my dad walked down with a tray in his hands.

Dad: "I got you some food and water. Eat up. You have to strong to be 100% ready later!"

He took the tape off my mouth and untied my left hand. He put the plate on my lap and sat down on the front in front of me.

I felt a bit stronger as I ate and drank. When I was done, he tied my hand again and took the plate.

Dad: "Let's skip the tape for tonight."

He smirked and walked away closing the door. I tried untying the ropes again but failed miserably.

I heard a knock on the window and looked up to it finding Justin, Ryan and Chaz trying to say something but I couldn't understand anything.

A few hours later, the door flew open, showing my dad with an evil smirk on his face.

Dad: "Are you ready?"

I shook my head and looked down at the floor.

You: "No, I'm not... can you let me go? Please?"

I looked at him.

Dad: "I can't. You know why? Cuz we're just getting started."

I was terrified cuz he's never done this before. He united my hands and feet, making me fall on the floor.

I couldn't move my legs, I didn't feel them. He picked me up and threw me on the old couch we had down here.

Dad: "Lay on your stomach (He said as he took his belt off)"

You: "Please dad! Don't do this! Please!"


I did as told and he hit me with the belt. I screamed in pain gripping on the couch. He hit me again... 10x harder.

He picked me up and threw me on the floor. He punched and kicked me ignoring my screams. After what seemed like years he stopped and sat me down on the chair again.

He tied my hands and feet.

Dad: "Good night Katie."

He walked away slamming the door. I could barely breathe and my body was in the worst pain ever.

[Justin's Point of View]

I tried to find Katie in school today but she was nowhere. When I got home, I invited Chaz and Ryan over.

Ryan: "So you think Katie isn't sick?"

You: "No. I think her dad has something to do with it."

Chaz: "Yeah I think so too. But I'm not going back to that house."

You: "It's Friday so we can be out late."

Ryan: "By that, you mean..."

You: "I mean, we can sneak around her house and look through the windows. We might see something."

Chaz: "I don't really like that idea man."

Ryan: "I think we should do it." We looked at Chaz who seemed nervous.

Chaz: "Uh... umm well... o-okay."

You: "Good."

After a few hours, it got dark so we went to Katie's house in silence. We peeked through the living room window and saw her dad on the couch watching TV, with a beer bottle in his hand.

He stood up and walked somewhere. We followed and saw him going to their basement.

We hid behind some bushes and looked through the basement window.

You: "Oh my gosh. That's Katie... on the chair."

Ryan: "Shit!"

Chaz: "Can w-we go now?"

You: "No Chaz. Not yet."

We saw her dad with a tray in his hands. He untied her left hand and sat down on the floor.

She ate like a pig and when she was done, he took plate, tied her hand again and walked back up.

She tried untying her hands but it didn't go that well.

You: "Katie!"

Ryan: "Is there a way to get in?"

Chaz: "Yo idiots! I don't think she can hear you!"

You: "Oh yeah..."

She looked away trembling. We sat on the grass, behind the bushes and just kept looking at Katie.

We talked about calling the police but it would just make things worse.

Suddenly the door opened and her dad walked in. He said something to her and untied her hands and feet making her fall on the floor.

She looked so lifeless...

Chaz: "I'm not gonna watch this. (He covered his eyes with his hands.)"

You: "I think we should record this to show it to the police later."

Ryan: "Yeah. I'll record with my phone."

You: "Good." He took his phone out of his pocket and start recording.

Her dad picked her up and threw her on an old couch. He took his belt off and shouted something making her lay on her stomach.

He hit her with his belt and she screamed. He hit her again. He picked her up and threw her on the floor. He kicked and punched her as she screamed. Even we could hear it.

Ryan: "This... is sick. We have to do something."

You: "I know but what?"

Ryan: "Tomorrow morning, if her dad goes to work or something, we can break in."

You: "Yeah we can do that."

After a while, her dad stopped and sat her down on the chair again. He tied her hands and feet again and walked out closing the door.

She just sat there, like she was about to die. Her whole body was bloody and she looked so... so lifeless...



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