1| Bad Class & Good Call

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*Bing* I look down to see my phone flashing and vibrating. I decided to check it. It's not like we're doing much anyways. But before I can get it fully out of my bag it goes off three more times. Damn, group chats.

'Let the countdown begin!!!'  I read the message from Lonni, my best friend.

'T-minus 30 minutes til freedom!!!!'  Annie, my other best friend, chimed in.

'I can't believe you guys talked me into going.'  Eli texts

'It's the Caribbean, Eli, not jail! Cheer up. Lol'  Annie comments

I smile at my phone and start to type a reply when my phone is snatched from my hands. "What the hell!" I whisper-yell and snap my head in the direction of the phone bandit.

I'm met with a green-eyed brunette with freckles dancing across her face just under her eyes. Her curly hair falling over her shoulders stopping right below her chest. 

"You're going to the Caribbean for Spring Break?!" She asks reading my texts. Invasive much.

I scoff and hold my hand out, "Give me my phone back, Harper. It's none of your business where I'm going for a break. "

"Is Jaxon going?" She asks hopefully

"Give me my phone."

"Answer my question."

"No." I try not to shout

"Why not?" She whines bouncing in her seat a little.

"What are you four? Stop whining." If I weren't so agitated this would've been quite comical.

"After you answer my question." She smiles

"Why do you want to know?" I ask frustratedly. I swear to God this girl makes me want to pull my hair out.

"I'm just curious as to if Jaxon will be joining you. That's all." she shrugs, I just blankly stare at her. She's so full of shit. "What's so wrong with being curious?"

"Curiosity killed the cat," I smirk

"Satisfaction brought it back" It was her turn to smirk now.

"Just give me my damn phone back!" I snap.

"Is there a problem back there?" My teacher asks causing all eyes to shift to me and the she-beast.

"Yes! Mr. Wallis, I'm trying to pay attention but Baye here won't stop bothering me." Harper Lies

"What? No! Mr. Wallis, she's lying. She took my phone I was just trying to get it back." I defend

"Phones aren't permitted to be out during class anyway. If you were to follow my rules Ms. Wilson wouldn't have had the opportunity to take your phone. Now would she?" Mr. Wallis counters.

"You can't be serious."

"Would she?" He pressed on.

"Well, no n-not exactly. B-but-" I stutter out but Mr. Wallis cuts me off

"Exactly. I hope you learn something from this Ms. Gardner."

My jaw hits the floor. You've got to be kidding me. He's honestly blaming me.  This totally wasn't even my fault.

"Now, Ms. Gardner would you be so kind as to answer the question on the board?" He asks while turning to face the board once more.

"Bitch" I mumble towards Harper.

"Don't forget your phone." She smirks. Oh, how I'd love to smack that smirk right off her face. I roll my eyes and snatch my phone out of her perfectly manicured hand and turn in my seat so that I'm aiming towards the board.

Just as I was about to answer, the bell rings signaling the end of class. "Maybe next time, Mr. Wallis. See ya!" I yell before bolting out of the classroom.

"It's Spring Break." I remind my self. "No more Harper, No more class, No more homework, No more stress!" I chant as walk. I look down at my phone to finish my text from earlier.

'Free at last!' I type and hit send. My phone starts to ring. A California number? I live in Montana. Who could be calling me?

"Hello?" I answer

'May I speak with Baye' A boy's voice sounds from the other end.

"This is she. May I ask who's calling?" I ask politely

'Hi, Baye. It's Machai.' The boys chirps.

"Machai?" I don't think I know a Machai.

'We matched on Tinder like three months ago.' He reminds. Oh yeah.

"Oh, yeah! I remember now. Hi!" I beam

'Hey, I hope it's okay that I called instead of texting.' He says shyly. I could imagine a blush spreading across his cheeks.

"It's totally cool. I'm just getting out of class. What's up?" I ask making my way towards my dorm building.

'Nothing much. Just packing. How about you?'

"On my way to do the same. My friends and I are going on a cruise for Spring Break."

'That's so cool. At least you get to do something fun. I'm stuck helping my dad at his job all break because my brother bailed.'

"Well, that sucks." I frown at his saddened tone

'Tell me about it.'

We talk for about 5 more minutes and I didn't want to hang up. But I realized that all good things must come to an end when I heard footsteps running up behind me along with someone shouting my name. Oh goody. I inwardly groan.

"Baye!" Harper says

'Who is that?' Machai asks

"The she-beast." I answer with a sigh "I'm gonna have to call you back Machai."

'Okay. Just text me when you get the chance.' he chuckles. Oh lord that sound is music to my ears.

"Okay, bye." I smiled through the phone.

'Bye Baye.'  And with that, I ended the call.

"Baye!" I hear again. I stop walking and turn on my heels

"What could you possibly want now?" I ask trying to hide my irritation

"You never answered my question." I rolled my eyes and started walking again

"The sooner you answer my question the sooner I'll leave you alone." She reasoned.

"Oh, my God! Yes, Harper. He is going with me along with his girlfriend and our other friends." I snap

"See, that wasn't so hard now was it?" She asks smiling triumphantly. "So, he and Annabelle are still together?"

"Go away" I roll my eyes while walking a little faster trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

I finally get to my building and get into my suite, "Let's go bitches. I'm so ready to get out of here!" I shout as I walk through the door. Annie and Lonni come running around the corner bouncing up and down.

"It's about time. We've been waiting for you for like an hour!" Annie says with her hands on her hips.

"Class just ended 15 minutes ago" I point out.

"Well, that's like an hour in vacation time!" Lonni adds bouncing. I smile at my friends and their giddiness.

"Okay, well. We have an hour to finish packing and get to the airport. Our flight leaves at 3:00 and our ship sails at 5:15." I say

"Ready." Annie starts

" Set."  Lonni continues

"Go!" I finish and we take off towards our rooms.

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