15| Babies Lives & A Big Surprise

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After the birth of my beautiful baby boys, I decided to settle into a townhouse where my boys can build a normal life. I got an amazing job as a magazine editor, so I can provide for my sons. Sadly, that means I have to leave my little bundles of joy. Luckily, I was able to find an exceptionally talented nanny, Carter. She's younger than your average nanny but she loves Dylan and David almost as much as I do. I wholeheartedly trust her with the boys.

I sing along to the radio in my car as I drive home. I had a really good day and the only thing to make this day better is playing with my babies. I pull into my driveway, kill then engine and practically skip to my door. To my surprise my door isn't locked. Carter must've forgotten to lock it back. I walk in closing and locking the door behind me.

"Carter! I'm home!" I shout, setting my bag and keys on the table near the door. I am meant with silenced.

"Carter! Are you wearing headphones again?" I climb the stairs to the nursery.

"How many times do I have to say it? You cannot hear the boys crying if you have both of them in." I say opening the door. As soon as I do my blood runs cold. I stop dead in my tracks.

"You hired someone who doesn't give our kids undivided attention?" Machai says from the couch holding my David. "I would think you to be a better mother than that." He smiles.

"You're dead." I whispered.

What the hell is happening. Why are my feet not moving. Just then it clicks. He's alive, he's here. My babies are in danger. At that thought my feet move on their own. I end up in front of Machai and grab David from of him and run to Dylan's crib and place David next to him.

"What are you doing here!" I shout at him.

"My kids are sleeping. You'd better shut the fuck up before you wake them with your obnoxious yelling." He hissed at me.

"They are my kids." I growl. I am literally in mama bear mode. He will not hurt my kids. That is the only thing going through my brain.

I don't think he liked that very because the next I knew I was thrown into a wall with my arms pinned to my sides with his nails digging into my wrists. "What was that you said? Your kids?" He whispered dangerously low.

"Don't you dare think for a second you had anything to do with those babies. You disgusting piece of trash." I said.

"Now is that anyway to talk to your husband?"

"I don't have a  husband you psycho!" I seethe

"Come on, doll. Don't be like that." He says putting a stray piece of hair behind my head.

"How are you even here. I saw the police shoot you in the head." I say pulling away from him, well attempting to this man had me in a death grip.

"No, baby doll, you didn't. That was my twin, Miguel."

"Your twin? They killed your twin. Not you. You have a twin?" I thought out loud.

"Yeah. What was that about anyway? Is it because of Jaxon? I kill your brother so you kill mine?" He said letting go of me and walking towards the couch. "That's messed up man."

"Carter!! Call the police." I shout.

I felt Machai push me into the wall. I hurriedly regained my balace and charged him. He was excpecting me to fight back. I tackled him and straddled his waist. I was so shocked I got him on the grown. but now that I had there was no way in hell I was letting him up. He would kill me for sure. I balled up my fists and started swinging not stopping. Machai blocked my hits but I guess he got tired of playing defense because he got a clean itney shot causing me to double over in pain. He got up and kicked me in the stomch repeatedly. I some how caught his foot and and bit his ankle. He immedately grabbed his ankle trying to soothe the pain. I got up and tried to make a run for it. Shouting for Carter to get help.

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