9| Fatal News & Bad Dudes

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"Who texted you?" Annie asked on the way back to my room.

"Lonni. She's staying in her room tonight with Eli." I responded texting back before putting my phone back into my pocket and unlocking the door.

"I'm gonna shower." She said.


"How about we watch a movie?" Machai offered

"Sure." I said

We decided to watch Nerve. I must've fallen asleep somewhere during  the movie because when I woke up Machai was carrying me from the couch to my bed.

"Hey sleepyhead." He smiled down at me, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"No, It wasn't you. I had a bad dream." I said looking around "Where's Annie?"

"She passed out not to long after you did." He said, setting me on the bed and nodding toward the spare bed in my room.

"What was your dream about?" He asked taking a seat at the foot of the bed, facing me.

"This whole Harper thing. I mean, she wasn't well liked, but even the nastiest people don't deserve to go like that. Just makes me realize, things like that happen in the world. Not just in movies or books, but to everyday people like me and my friends. What if it were to happen to one of us? I would lose my mind."

"I definitely can understand that. I mean, I get why you feel that way, but Baye. I would never let anything happen to you. I will protect you til my last breath." He said, leaning forward looking me straight in my eyes. His eyes held so much intensity, My heart warmed at his words.

His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips. I bit down on my bottom to keep from smiling like an idiot. A blush crept its way to my cheeks. Im about 78% sure I look like a tomato. Great!

"I believe you." I whispered, leaning forward until my forehead touched his.

"You're so beautiful, B." He said. The feeling of his warm, minty breath fanning my face caused me visible swoon. Which earned a smirk from him.

He put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. I felt my heart rate pick up due to our close proximity.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks. I nod my head unable to speak.

Machai's lips attack mine. The kiss felt urgent, hungry even, yet extremely gentle. I mimicked his motions. I felt his tongue glide across my bottom lip asking for an entrance, which I gladly gave. We both fought for dominance, but in the end I lost. I pulled away needing air. Panting and feeling slightly lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, but I am certainly not complaining.

"Do you, erm. Would you like to.... Um wanna stay the night?' I struggled to get my words out. 

Machai chuckled, "I would love to. Just let me go to my room to grab a shower and change my clothes." He said adjusting himself.

"Okay." I said blushing.

"Can I get a goodbye kiss?" He says leaning in

"You're coming right back." I giggle

"Humor me." He said closing the space between us and once again successfully cutting off my air supply.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes." He said pulling away and leaving my room.

After sometime I drifted back off to sleep. I felt my bed dip causing me to jump.

"It's just me." Machai said, "Go back to sleep, Baye."

"Okay." I mumbled, curling into his chest and letting the darkness take over me once more.


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