∆2∆- The Alien Neighbor

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The Alien Neighbor

"What? Are you serious? Is this some sort of prank? Are there cameras?" I asked. I did not want to be part of one of those prank shows on TV or YouTube. I looked terrible and this was the perfect place to prank someone since it was totally deserted.

"Excuse me but what is a prank?" The guy, who I now knew as Noss, asked and I frowned at him.

"Don't play dumb with me. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I have just informed you of those. I am Noss Bergress and I am here to investigate-"

"Yeah, yeah I got all of that. But seriously, is this all a joke? Am I on TV?" I asked him and he frowned at me.

"There is nothing inherently funny about this situation so no, I do not think this is a joke. I am simply here to complete a mission for my planet and I will be leaving in three earth months." Noss said and I just stared at him. What is going on? I have got to be dreaming. Oh well, even if I was, I might as well enjoy it.

"For your planet?" I had to really cling to the hope that he meant Earth.

"It seems that I do have to repeat some aspects. Yes, for my planet, Zion. It is located in a parallel universe to yours, about one light year away, and is almost exactly like Earth except our water source is of different color and we require more oxygen and nitrogen sources for our air." He stated seriously.

I didn't believe in aliens and it was really weird for me to dream about something crazy like this. We've been trying to communicate with aliens for a long time and as far as I knew, America didn't get any farther than outside our universe in a search for any outside life. We've also evolved in technology and I wondered if anyone else saw the blue light or one of the radars found his ship - if he had one - and the government was on their way.

"Okay, if you're an...alien...where's your spaceship?" I asked. According to movies, all aliens had hugeass spaceships and I don't think Noss was an exception although aliens didn't look exactly look like us humans.

"It is in hiding." He smiled and I raised my brows. "Camouflage." He said and I understood.

"Wait but, even if its in camouflage, shouldn't it look bumpy or whatever." I said and Noss shook his head.

"No, our definition of camouflage is different. The ship is practically invisible along with anyone that is inside of it." He explained and I widened my eyes. Of course, they were ahead of us in technology. Check.

"I don't believe you." I said and crossed my arms. He smiled and took out something that looked like a little button from behind his ear and pressed it. Suddenly I saw the blue glowing light inside the crater and there was a spaceship. It was round shaped with really cool designs around it. It looked like a disc and it was pretty big. I stared, mesmerized, but it disappeared once Noss pressed the button again.

"Okay...um. Did anyone spot you? If they did, they'll report it and the government is going to take you and everything."

"Highly doubt although it was a lot more difficult than the last time someone from our planet came, which was forty years ago. Earth's technology is evolving in a way we didn't expect it to. At this rate, they'll be building the kind of spaceship I currently own in...thirty or so years." He said.

"So how come you landed here?" I asked. I still couldn't believe I was talking to a being from another planet in another universe. Jeez.

"Well this is in America, which is my location of investigation, and I wanted to land in the capital, Washington D.C., like we did before. Plans changed when there were barely any isolated spots and this was the closest I could get to 'isolated' near a big city since most changes happen in big cities. By the way Miss, I never learned your name." He said and smiled politely. Wow, those smiles could kill.

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