∆9∆- Tracking Us Down

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∆9∆- Tracking Us Down

"Um, Di? Are you okay?" I asked as I waved my hand in front of her face and she shook her head.

"What exactly were you guys talking about? I heard you say 'fuck' and I'm worried because you–" she pointed at Noss and I was about to say something but she kept talking, "you better be using protection mister because–"

"Di!" I yelled out and Diana looked at me and frowned.

"What? He needs to know or maybe he already does from experience." Diana said as she held her nose up in disgust.

"He's not like that, okay? I mean sure he could be a jerk sometimes–" I paused to think about how Noss has never been a jerk to me, not once, "but he's smart and knows what he's doing and you seriously thought I would do it  with him?" I asked as I turned red and Diana sighed.

"Yeah guess not. Come in, I made ramen that I personally think you both will enjoy." She said and I nodded.

"Aight." Noss said it so casually that I had to pause on my way inside. Noss bumped into me as he was making his way inside too.

"Okay, act casual but not that casual, got it?" I asked him for confirmation and he smiled.

"I understand." Said the more normal Noss and I sighed as we both made our way inside my house and I shut the door. The whole place smelled pretty good.

"Remember, play it cool but also remember Diana's never met you so not too cool." I reminded him and he nodded as Diana walked out of the kitchen with three bowls of what I assumed was ramen.

"Its with chicken. Eat up." Diana said as we both took a bowl of ramen and Noss looked at his bowl hesitatingly for a bit before picking up his fork.

"What? You don't like ramen?" Diana asked and Noss shrugged.

"Never tried actually." He responded and Diana raised her brows.

"This is good. Like, really good." Noss said as he continued to eat the ramen and I was shocked at how normal he really sounded. Of course, I shouldn't be surprised, he played a very important role in his planet and obviously has experience. Diana flipped her hair mockingly.

"Of course it is, it's made by yours truly." She said and we all ate in silence while The Big Bang Theory played on TV. After putting our bowls in the sink, Diana asked the question me and Noss were both expecting.

"So Nathan, tell me more about yourself." She said as we all sat down on the couch and of course Noss gave her one of his award winning smiles.

"Well, I live pretty close to the Kenmore private school and I don't know, what else do you wanna know about me?" Noss said as he shrugged.

"Are you dating anyone?" Diana asked and Noss looked like he was caught off-guard. This was not good.

"Not right now, I guess. You could say I have... Commitment issues." He said and I don't know how he knew about dating, I would have to ask him about it later.

"Why am I not surprised." Diana said as she flipped through the channels on TV and I frowned at her.

"Stop being so judgemental, Di. He's a nice guy. You can't judge someone just based on looks." I said as Diana frowned back at me.

"I would know better than you do, at least I have a boyfriend." Diana said and she immediately widened her eyes while mine dropped to the floor in shame.

"Wait, I didn't mean –" Diana tried to explain herself but the anger got the best of me.

"Sure you didn't. If you're gonna use me to feel better about yourself, then so be it. Maybe I don't have a boyfriend, fine but I thought you'd be the last one to judge me for that. I never thought you'd be one of those girls." I said as I glared at her and she started to get up from the couch and head in my direction.

"No, don't." I said and stopped her and she did and sighed.

"Alright, be childsh about this, I'll leave you alone so you can understand thats not what I really meant. Nice to meet you Nathan." Diana said as she stormed outside the door and I frowned at her.

"Childish? She's the one that just assumed who you were and –"

"Miss Maddie, I do not want to be the cause for a broken down friendship but I'm afraid I might have. I'm very –"

"No it's not your fault, if anything it's hers. Sorry for this though and wasting your time. I just didn't think it'd end up like this." I said as I sighed in frustration and got up to get myself a glass of water and Noss followed.

"I think this whole situation is pointless and both of you should communicate about this." He said as I poured the water in the glass.

"Not tonight. I don't have the energy and Noss?"


"My father is coming home tomorrow, I think. I'll have to call him but he's definitely coming this weekend. You might want to be even more careful." I said as I looked at him with worried eyes. He nodded.

"I have gotten rather good at doing that nowadays." He said and smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you have but this is serious. He's going to ask a lot of questions especially since you're of the...male specimen." I said those words slowly and it reminded of the conversation we had in the car.

"Hmm alright. Miss Maddie, may I show you something?" Noss asked and I nodded.

"Of course." I said a little excitedly and he motioned for me to follow.

He lead me towards the woods and the spaceship was in view. We both jumped into the crater and he opened the door to the spaceship and we both went inside. Noss ran a hand through his hair.

"I have been worried about this for quite some time now and I have no clue as to how this happened. I was so careful..." Noss said as he sighed and I put a hand on his shoulder and he reacted immediately by looking up like he always did when I touched him.

"What happened?" I asked curiously as I slowly removed my hand. Maybe my touch scared him or something but to my surprise, he quickly took my hand and led me to the huge computer screen in front of us and pressed a button on it, turning it on and it displayed some sort of electronic map that showed a pinpointed location.

"This happened, Miss Maddie. Someone knows that we are here - that me and my kind are here and they are tracking us down."


I knowwww, I took forever to update and I don't know how but I did it! Yay! *sighs in exasperation* I barely did it though. Schools a bish and I hardly had any time for our poor Maddie and Noss but I have some really good ideas for this book and I can't wait for you guys to read! Unfortunately, this book won't have constant updates until spring break rolls around but I'm close to my 10th chapter! Love each and every one of you that are still reading this! Laterz (〜^∇^)〜

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