∆7∆- Male Specimen

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∆7∆- Male Specimen

Ryan just stood there for a moment, probably taking in the situation at hand. I took my time observing this situation too. Ryan couldn't kill me, not after knowing who I really am. We've known each other long enough to know that we could both keep promises.

Ryan looked completely different without his glasses and I was also concerned about what he was wearing. If his job was to protect the cover of the people from Zion, he wasn't doing a good job considering he was wearing the planet's supposed traditional outfit himself and in public.

"I don't understand–” Ryan started but Noss held up his hand.

"You know Miss Maddie, don't you?" Noss asked for confirmation and Ryan nodded his head.

"Miss Maddie is not the real danger here, Rius. We have other ongoing issues in Zion to worry about. No need to terminate her." Noss stated but Ryan shoook his head.

"Do you hear yourself, General Noss? I know Maddie but I also know that information about our whereabouts could spread. We've hidden from humans for well over a decade, I don't want to disrupt that streak." Ryan said and looked at me with no emotion whatsoever which confused me.

"Ryan, what are you talking about? You think I would spread this information? I may know what's going on here but I also care about both of you and your planet and would never do anything to hurt or expose you. Ryan, you know me. Why are you pretending that you don't?" I asked, perplexed that he would even have the thought that I'd betray him. Ryan just sighed.

"Maddie, this isn't a small promise or an insignificant one that you had to keep in real life situations, this is serious. Even if I can't terminate you, I have to erase your memories from the last few days." He stated seriously and I blinked.

"You're acting like I'm a ten year old girl who has no idea about the world and can't handle important information. I'm not, I'm about to graduate next year and I know how important it is-"

"You cannot, will not do anything to Miss Maddie. I informed Sir Malgon that the situation is perfectly under control. I don't know why he did not heed to my orders. You are not needed here Rius, you may go." Noss told Ryan and gave him a stern look. Ryan shook his head.

"I can't disobey direct orders, General Noss." Ryan said as he took out something from behind him. It resembled a gun and I held onto Noss' hand tighter.

"I am of higher power than you. Put the Eraser down Rius or this will go in a direction both of us will regret." Noss said slowly and carefully and Ryan held out the gun or "Eraser" as Noss had called it in front of him, aiming it at my head. He was set to pull the trigger and he was doing it slowly.


"Ryan, stop!" I shouted but Ryan had no intention of doing that and it was then that Noss shot at Ryan who staggered back before falling flat on the ground. I wanted to scream but I was too shocked to do anything.

After a few seconds of just standing there, I ran over to Ryan. He wasn't bleeding and he was breathing but very slowly.

"Noss, what did you shoot him with?" I asked in a panicked voice and Noss kneeled down next to me.

"No matter, I did not take his life. We need to go, Miss Maddie." Noss said as he started to get up but I pulled his elbows and he kneeled back down.

"What was it?"

"A tranquilizer, he will be awake in about an hour." Noss stated calmly, almost sounding bored. I didn't know if I should be scared of the fact that Noss walks around with a tranquilizer but its for defense so I shouldn't be that worried plus he's the army leader for his planet. All valid reasons, Noss wouldn't hurt a fly.

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