∆4∆- You Never Know

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You Never Know

I walked into English and waited for Nick. Maybe I should've found him and helped him in case he got lost or something but he managed to not do that the whole day.

He walked into class about five minutes later, just as the late bell rang but Ms. Perry, the teacher, was late. I sat in one of the chairs in the back. Since we didn't have assigned seats, we could sit wherever we wanted any day. I waved Nick over and as soon as he spotted me, he made his way toward me. Of course most of the class was paying attention to him.

“They still find me interesting?” He asked as he sat down next to me and I rolled my eyes.

“It'll all be over in a week, just hang in there.” I patted his shoulder and he sighed.

“Hey, I think we have to work on an assignment today. Ms. Perry was talking about how we were going to start on it today and all that.” I informed Nick.

“Great. I have so much homework and I don't even understand most of it.”

“She said it was group work or partner work. She hasn't decided yet. Oh, she's here.” I said and took out my binder, which looked really overstuffed with paper, and Nick did the same but, of course, his was organized. It wouldn't stay that way long though.

Ms. Perry was extremely nice. She wasn't one of those boring or strict teachers and she was fair. Also, as much as I hated to admit it, I was the teacher's pet. I always had passion for english and the teacher being nice was a double bonus.

She fixed her glasses and straight dark hair and after discussing yesterday's homework, she started talking about the assignment. She said it was partner work and we were free to choose our partners. This was one of the reasons why I loved her, we actually had freedom.

“Is she serious? Our own partners?” Nick asked and I smiled and nodded.

“You might as well make her your favorite teacher.” I grinned.

“Done.” Nick smiled and Ms. Perry told everyone to pick partners and since we we were free to choose where to sit — and with who — no one moved around. Ms. Perry shrugged as she handed out the papers explaining the assignment in detail and how it’s organized. Ms. Perry greeted Nick as she put the papers down on our desk.

“Welcome to Greenwood, Nick. I hope you're enjoying your day here.” She smiled.

“Definitely. Especially your class.” He grinned.

“Glad to hear that. Maddie here is a brilliant student and she can definitely help you out. Now you got lucky since you were free to choose partners but next time, I want you get to know everyone. Different partners okay?” She asked and Nick nodded as she smiled and passed out papers to more people.

“Wow. Brilliant student.” Nick said and I rolled my eyes.

“I just really like English, okay?” I said as I pushed up my glasses and read the paper.

“I can tell. Anyway, partner, what do we have to do?” He asked as he looked down at the paper.

“Nick, there's a thing called reading where you pronounce the words tog–”

“Okay, okay. Fine.” Nick rolled his eyes and we both read the paper for a minute.

“Okay so this is due in two weeks. She assigned us Fahrenheit 451 to read and we have a week to read it ,but I already read it, and one of us has to write an essay and the other has to make a poster about the authors point of view on society.” I said and Nick nodded.

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