∆8∆- He Looked Almost Completely Like A...

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∆8∆- He Looked Almost Completely Like A...

I crossed the street and arrived at Nick's front porch. It looked like all the lights were on and I heard things being moved around in there and I ringed the doorbell.

“Who is it?” I heard a bit later and it sounded like Nick's voice.

“Its me, Maddie.” I replied and Nick opened the door slowly.

“Hey.” He said and cleared his throat and I frowned.

“Nick, you do not look okay.” I said because he looked very pale and sweaty and he looked as if he had a hard time breathing. His eyes looked like he hasn't slept in days which is weird because he was just fine yesterday.

“I know. I'm scared, I don't know what it is.” He said as he moved some boxes around - probably from his move - and sat down on his big couch and sighed heavily.

“Did you tell your dad? I was going to say it's the cafeteria food but you didn't have lunch yesterday.” I said and he shook his head.

“Dad said it's almost spring so my allergies must be kicking in but I told him I didn't have spring allergies and he shrugged it off as the flu which it can't be because I already got my flu shot and—” he paused to cough and I quickly found my way to his kitchen and got him a glass of water and on my way back, I saw a family portrait which included his mom, who he never really said anything about.

I came back into the living room and handed him the glass of water and he croaked out “thanks” before gulping it down rapidly.

“If you don't mind me asking, where is your mom?” I asked and he started choking on the glass of water and I quickly rushed over and removed the glass from his mouth and he coughed for a bit before clearing his throat.

“Sorry, I just...mom died of cancer three years ago.” Nick said and I felt bad for asking the question and bringing it up.

“No I'm sorry. Nick I think we should work on the project when you start to feel better okay? You really need to go to the doctors. I don't know how your dad brushed it off, this looks serious.” I said in concern and he nodded and asked me where the nearest doctor was and I told him it was about five blocks from here.

“Thanks. I think I'll drop by there tomorrow or on Monday. Thank God it's Friday, I needed that rest.” He said and I gave him a quick hug.

“Feel better, okay? See you on Monday?” I asked and he nodded and gave a small smile.

“Yeah. Sorry you had to come for no reason. I'll call if I feel better.” Nick said and I nodded as I made my way out of his house and closed the door slowly. I remembered one thing - I never saw his dad.


I had to walk home since Noss obviously wasn't available at the moment then remembered that Diana was at home and she had wanted to meet Noss aka Nathan today and I groaned. I hated lying to Diana but it was the least I could do for Noss after he saved my life.

I also remembered dad might be coming home tomorrow night and I would have to warn Noss about that. Another thing on my growing list of concerns was Diana being with Ryan and seeing Ryan at school on Monday, I wasn't really ready to see him at all.

I sighed as I reached the front steps of my house and took out the keys from my bag and opened the door to see Diana crying on the living room couch. I immediately rushed over to her.

“Diana? Di are you okay?” I asked frantically as I reached her side and shook her shoulders. She looked at me and wiped away some tears that were falling from her eyes and blew her nose with a nearby tissue.

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