Chapter 2: I Don't Have A Problem

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Beyoncé stood in the shower washing her hair. After she cleaned herself and her hair she hopped out of the shower and grabbed her robe.

She looked at herself in the mirror as she blow dried her hair. Her eyes were dead and it seems it's been like that for a while and only getting worse. She got dressed and then grabbed a pill bottle and took a pill. She sighed a pleasant relief. She grabbed her shades and purse and left out her room.

She went downstairs.

"Girls, come on." She said as they were watching TV on the couch.

They left out the house and got into the car. Beyoncé pulled off as the girls stayed quiet. Beyoncé looked in the rearview at her youngest child.

"Alexis, you quiet. What's up?" Beyoncé said.

"Nothing, I'm good." She said.

Beyoncé nodded. They pulled up to her mothers house and Beyoncé parked.

"Alexis, go in the house. We'll be there in a minuet." Beyoncé said.

Alexis nodded and got out the car. Beyoncé made sure she was gone and looked at Mya. She removed her sunglasses.

"I'm sorry for smacking you last night. Even though you was running your mouth I shouldn't have hit you like that." Beyoncé said.

"You was drunk?" Mya asked.

"No, you were just being disrespectful."

"I smelled the vodka on your breath." Mya said looking at her.

"A shot of vodka doesn't get me drunk." Beyoncé said.

Mya looked out the window.

"I'm sorry." Beyoncé said.

"I've heard that before." Mya said and looked at her mother. "You have anger management issues, you're a functional alcoholic, and you pop pills."

"I do not-"

"Mama, I saw the pill bottles. I'm fourteen not dumb. Don't lie to me." Mya said. "You're getting worse and worse and when I think you might be doing better after talks like these you just get worse."

Beyoncé listened as her daughter spoke.

"You need to get you some help because I don't know how long I can do this." Mya said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Beyoncé asked.

Mya looked towards her grandmothers house.

"Grandma's back and she and Mr. Richard would be more than happy to have me and Alexis."

"Mya, don't play with me."

"Mama, I'm not. You need to get yourself together and as much as I don't want to leave you I will and take Alexis with me."

Beyoncé put her shades on trying to dismiss everything her daughter said.

"This conversation stays in this car and what goes on in our home stays in our home." Beyoncé said.

"Doesn't feel like home." Mya mumbled opening the door and Beyoncé grabbed her arm.

"Keep your mouth shut."

Mya looked at her mother.


Beyoncé let go and Mya got out. Beyoncé walked behind Mya as they walked up to the house.

"Grandma!" Mya yelled when she saw her.

"Mya, baby." Tina said hugging her oldest grandchild. She kissed her cheek and looked at her. "Awe, I missed you baby."

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