Chapter 23: Oh My(Goodness)Prt 2

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"Complications? What you mean complications?" Beyoncé asked.

"Beyoncé." Ms. Gloria said shaking Beyoncé. She was fidgeting in the seat next to her. "Beyoncé."

"Yes ma'am." Beyoncé said waking up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." Beyoncé said sitting up. "I'm okay."

Beyoncé looked over at Chase who was sleeping next to her. She picked him up and cradled him. She looked down at him knowing that everything had to be okay with Shawn. He couldn't lose both of his parents.

They saw the doctor coming so they stood up.

"He's fine." He said and Beyoncé and Ms. Gloria could finally breathe. "Everything went well. He is asleep right now in our recovery wing."

"Is there anyway I can stay? I told him I'd be there when he woke up." Beyoncé asked.

"Uhm, it'll be uncomfortable but sure. Is the little one staying?" He asked.

"No, just me." Beyoncé said.

"Okay, when you're ready just tell the nurse and they'll let you know what room." He said.

Ms. Gloria and Beyoncé shook his hand and he left. Beyoncé and Ms. Gloria sat down for a minuet.

"My son is going to marry you." Ms. Gloria said.

"What? Did he say something?"

"No, no." Ms. Gloria said laughing. "No he hasn't but I know. I just do."

"Oh, okay." Beyoncé said a bit unsure.

"My son loves you and I know you love him too." She said. "You don't have to rush. Take your time and enjoy each other. I know it seems like something keeps happening probably but that's life. You're gonna have bumps but as long as you get past it that's all that matters."

Beyoncé smiled.

"Thanks Ms. Gloria." She said.

"Okay, let me get this little boy. Call me when he's awake and we'll come in the morning." Ms. Gloria said.

"Okay, I will."

Ms. Gloria picked up Chase and left out the hospital while Beyoncé went to Shawn's room.

Beyoncé went in the room Shawn was in and he was asleep with a bandage over his head. Beyoncé kissed his cheek before she sat in the chair that reclined and fell asleep for the night.


Shawn had finally woken up and when he looked Beyoncé was right there holding his hand.

"Hey." She said smiling.

"Hey." Shawn said lowly.

Beyoncé kissed his hand before paging the nurse. Soon she walked in and took Shawn's vitals while Beyoncé called Ms. Gloria.

Soon Shawn took some pain meds and the nurse said the doctor should be checking on him in the afternoon. Beyoncé stood by his side. Shawn grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Beyoncé looked at him.

"I love you." Shawn said.

"I love you too."

"You still mad at me?" He asked.

Beyoncé smiled.

"Not mad just disappointed." She said.

"I was-"

"I know but it's still how I feel. I understand you were processing but I just wish you didn't have to go through that alone and scared." She said.

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