Chapter 4: I Miss Mommy

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Two Weeks Later

Mya laid in her bunk. It's been this way for two weeks waiting for her to get released from this girls home. This was not the plan at all for her. Mya thought they would immediately give her and Alexis to their grandmother and all would be well. Well that's not how it works when the courts wanna take their damn time.

Mya hopped down from the bed. She had to get out of there. She went to where they placed her sister. Alexis saw her and got up.

"Aye, we getting out of here." Mya said.

Alexis looked at her confused.

"Grandma said she was gonna come get us." Alexis said.

"It's been two weeks and I want out of here. You wanna stay here or you wanna see mommy?" Mya asked.

"You going to see mommy?" Alexis ears perked up when she heard that.

"Yes, I never thought living with her and her issues would be better than this." Mya said. "So you coming?"

Alexis nodded and they got their backpacks.

"You know which way home is from here?" Mya asked.

Alexis nodded.

"If anything happens and we get separated run there okay? Don't look for me. If I say run, you run."

Alexis nodded.

Mya went to go check if the coast was clear and it was. They walked out the door quietly and went walking. Mya was more so paranoid but they kept walking.

"You think mommy home?"

"I don't know. Either she is or she's coming home."

The social services people have not let the girls talk to their mother at all. They've only spoken to their grandmother. Mya couldn't take the group home anymore.


"Bey, you gotta eat something." Kelly said.

Beyoncé was laying on the couch in the living room of her house. She's been missing work so Kelly came to check on her. Beyoncé hasn't ate, slept, drank, nothing since the girls were taken.

"I'm not hungry." She mumbled.

"Bey, please." Kelly urged. "Listen, you've already taken the first step and stopped drinking. The judge will see that."

Beyoncé was just in her own little world while Kelly talked.

"Come on," Kelly said grabbing her off the couch. "You're gonna take a shower and wash your hair.  You think you gonna get the girls back just sitting on your ass?"

"What if I don't see them again?" Beyoncé asked. "Mama doesn't have them and they won't let me see them."

Kelly sighed and sat down on the couch and Beyoncé did too.

"Look, you can't think of the negatives." She said. "You're gonna go to rehab, get all the way clean and prove to the judge you want your kids back."

Beyoncé nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes. Beyoncé stood to go take a shower and Kelly cleaned up a little. While cleaning Kelly found letters from Rashad, it had to be over twenty, majority of them open. She knew Beyoncé was already going through it but these notes probably pushed her over the edge. After about an hour Kelly was done. She heard the door open and looked. She saw Mya and Alexis.

"What are y'all doing here?" Kelly asked.

"My mama home?" Mya asked.


Alexis went running up the steps yelling for her mom. She walked in her room and Beyoncé had just changed her clothes and her hair was still damp.

"Mama!" Alexis screamed when she saw her.

Beyoncé smiled and hugged her.

"Alexis, what are you doing here? Where's your sister?" Beyoncé asked looking at her.

"We left." Mya said.

"You did what?" Beyoncé asked looking towards her bedroom door at Mya. "You shouldn't have done that."

"Mommy, you didn't want to see us?" Alexis asked sadly.

"Of course I wanted to see you but the courts will see you running away as a bad thing." She said.

"It's been two weeks and we couldn't stay up in there no more." Mya said. "We wanted to come home."

Beyoncé sighed as Kelly looked at her. Of course she wanted to see her girls but the courts may twist it like she tried to kidnap them or something.

"I missed y'all so much but you have to go back." Beyoncé said.

"What?" Alexis said.

"Listen," Beyoncé said. "If I want you back by law I have to follow their procedures."

"Mommy, please don't make us go back." Alexis said hugging her waist.

"Kelly, you have to take them back. I'm sorry, we have court next week."

"We gotta wait another week." Mya scuffed.

"Listen, I wish I could take you now but I can't. Just please try to cooperate." Beyoncé said looking at Mya. "Please baby, I'm sorry for having all this happen but please."

Mya sniffed and grabbed Alexis from Beyoncé's waist.

"Please don't drink anything or take anything. This is gonna be tough but if I can't run away from it neither can you." Mya said and kissed her mother's cheek before grabbing Alexis completely.

Beyoncé's tears poured as she watched Mya forcefully remove Alexis. Kelly looked at Beyoncé.

"I'll be back okay."

Beyoncé swallowed and nodded and Kelly closed the door. Beyoncé broke down after that. She grabbed her phone and called her mother after wiping her face.


"I'm ready." Beyoncé said.

"Beyoncé? Baby, ready for what?"

"I'll go to rehab." She said.

One Week Later (Court)

"Ms. Knowles please stand." The judge said.

Beyoncé stood by her attorney after the two hour court case.

"Ms. Knowles for the rest of today and tomorrow you will spend with your children who will be in custody of their grandmother Tina Lawson." She said. "Also, on Wednesday morning you must report to the rehabilitation center of my choosing by seven am. If not you will be arrested and sentenced do I make myself clear."

"Yes ma'am." Beyoncé said.

"You will remain in the program until a supervisor from the faculty says otherwise, understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright." She said and banged her gavel and got up.

Beyoncé finally sighed in peace. She will get a day and a half with her daughters but after that the fight begins.

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