Chapter 30 part 1: Happily Ever After

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Months Later

"So, how's everything?" Kelly asked Beyoncé as they sat having lunch with Michelle and Angie. "The wedding is in a couple of months."

"I know but Shawn's been acting distant." Beyonce said picking over her food.

"He could just be nervous." Angie chimed in.

Beyoncé shrugged.

"You don't think he's getting cold feet do you?" Michelle asked.

"I don't know. When i ask him what's wrong he says he's fine or changes the subject." She said.

"Well just try to talk to him again. Tell him it's serious and I'm pretty sure y'all can sit down and communicate." Kelly suggested. "I mean y'all have never had a communication issue before have you?"

"No, we've been really open with each other since we met."

"Well there shouldn't be a problem." Angie said.

"Yeah." Beyoncé said nodding. "Maybe I'm just over thinking."

They continued their lunch and talked about other things but Beyoncé's mind stayed on Shawn.


Shawn's eyes studied on road as Chase kept yelling from the backseat.

"Aye Chase, buckle yourself back in your seat." Shawn said eyeing him the rear view mirror.

"Mya lets me get out my seat."

"Chase, get in your seat!" Shawn snapped.

Chase hurried and got back into his seat. He sat quietly on the way home. Shawn took a second to take a deep breath before turning off the car. He got out and let Chase out.

"Sorry daddy." Chase said as Shawn got him out of the car.

"It's okay buddy. I didn't mean to yell. Daddy's sorry." Shawn said.

"Okay." He said lowly as they began to walk in the house.

Chase walked in the house and found Bey Bey. She smiled but he didn't.

"What's wrong boo?"

"Daddy yelled at me." He said frowning.

"Awe, it's okay. Did he say why?"

"I got out of my booster seat while he was driving."

"You know you're not supposed to do that." She said.

"I know." He said lowly.

Shawn came walking in the kitchen and Beyoncé looked at him. He knew Chase told her what happened.

"Chase, go upstairs and play with Alexis." Beyoncé suggested.

Chase went upstairs while Shawn sat down at the island.

"What's up with you?" She asked. "Chase said you yelled at him."

"I didn't yell at him that bad.  He got out the seat while i was driving and i just reacted." He said.

Beyoncé just looked at him.

"Okay, i get that but what's really up? You been distant? Why?" She asked.

"Nah, I'm just stressed out." He said putting his head down.

"Why you not talking to me about anything then? You not home as much no more-"

"I'm working."

"I know that. You gonna let me finish or cut me off?"

Shawn sighed and let her finish.

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