Chapter Two: Training Partners

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Chapter Two

Training Partners

As soon as my eyes open, I start thinking about the boy from training. There was something strange about him. A good strange, though. Why would a cute, older boy like him want to help me? I'm thankful that he did but I want to know why. I also I want to know his name. No, I need to know his name.

I get out of bed and put on my training outfit. After putting my hair in two ponytails, I walk to the dining room. My father is sitting in his usual chair, eating. I sit down across from him and start eating my food. It's a little cold but that's what I get from waking up late.

"You better hurry. Training starts in 20 minutes."

My eyes widen and I start shoving the food in my mouth. I take a drink of water and swallow. My father is looking at me in disgust.

"I hope you learn better manners soon. What if the instructor wants you to volunteer? You can't go to the Capital and eat like that."

"Sorry, father."

"You better be sorry. Now, get out of the house. I don't want to get in trouble for you being late."

I get out of my seat and slide my shoes on. I tell him goodbye before walking out of the door. I probably have a good 10 or so minutes to get there now. I start jogging towards the Training Center.

I make it there in 5 minutes and hurry inside. Thankfully, the instructor hasn't started talking yet. I stand in the circle beside a boy wearing black. He smirks at me then turns to the person on the other side of him. He's probably laughing at how small I am. I'm one of the smallest girl in my age group but I'm also one of the fastest. No one remembers that though. Everyone just knows that I'm the small, motherless child from the poor part of town.

I look around the room, trying to find the boy from yesterday. I can't see over half the people around me so I just give up. I sigh and wait for the instructor to start talking.

A few minutes later, the instructor stands in the center of the circle. He looks around then starts talking," Today you're going to pick your training partner. It can be anyone in this room and they don't have to have the same skill. You have until the end of the session to find them. You may begin."

No ones going to pick me. I know I look weak and useless so why would they? I groan and walk over to the knife station. I forgot my knifes at home so I grab one they have for us to use. I start throwing them the way I was taught yesterday. I hit the target on the first try. I smile to myself and continue throwing. Maybe today will be a good one.

Day two of training finally ends. No one came up to me once. Not to ask to be my partner or to comment on my throwing. It makes me mad how they won't even give me a chance. I put the knifes I used away and start walking out of the Training Center.

I get halfway home when I hear someone walking behind me. I stop and turn around. The boy from yesterday is running to keep up. He reaches me, out of breath.

"You... you walk really fast."

"I run even faster."

"I believe you."

"So why are you following me?"

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Will you be my training partner."

I have to keep myself from smiling. If I'm going to be his training partner, I need to know his name.

"Can I know your name?"

He lets out a laugh then says," No."

"Then no, I will not be your training partner."

I turn around and continue walking home. I hear him let out a sigh and I smile to myself.


I stop and turn to face him.

"What was that?"

"Cato, my name is Cato."

"Okay, Cato. I'll be your training partner."

He smiles and I return it.

"I'll see you tomorrow then!"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Clover!"

Did he just call me Clover?

He did.

He gave me a nickname. Does that mean something?

"Uhm, bye!"

I turn around and start running towards my house.

I open the door and go inside. Dinner isn't until later so I go to my room. I shut the door then lay on my bed. Today was good. I got a training partner and a nickname. I giggle to myself as I remember what he called me.


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