Chapter Eighteen: Closer And Closer

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Chapter Eighteen

Closer And Closer

I wake up to sweat trickling down my face. I groan and wipe it off as I sit up. Marvel and Cato are in a serious looking conversation so I just stay quiet. As I take off my jacket, I spot something in the trees. Well, not in the trees exactly, more on the ground but some where far away.

"Look who's finally awake."

I look over at them and they're both staring me down. I just smile a little and look back towards the thing. It almost looks like a fire but I don't see any smoke.

"What are you looking at?"

"There's something in the woods far away. I think it's a fire."

I hear shuffling then footsteps on the grass.

"Yeah, that's a fire alright," says Marvel.

I stand up and go beside them. Yeah, it's a fire. I see the smoke now.

"Cam, stay here!"

Cato takes off running in the woods. Marvel and I pick up our weapons then chase after him.

We reach the fire but no ones there. We all look at one another, confused. I see another fire up ahead. Maybe they went there.

"I see another one!"

We all take off running towards it. We get there and no ones there either. I let out a sigh. We've obviously been tricked but why? What's the point in these fires?

Cato's mouth opens and he starts to speak when there's a loud sound. Almost like an bomb going off....

Oh no.

The mines around our supplies.

It can't be.

Can it?

I look at both of my allies and they're thinking the same thing.

"I'll kill him!" says Cato before he takes off running.

This isn't going to end well at all. I take off running after him.

I reach the cornucopia a few minutes after Cato does. He's yelling at Cam while pacing back and forth. Marvel stands beside me with a scared expression. I look over at the supplies. They're all gone. There's nothing left but what we have in our bags.

I hear a cracking noise and look back to Cato. Cam is laying on the ground. His head is twisted around and I feel like puking. It's the most horrid thing I've seen so far. Cato starts yelling curse words and pacing. I walk over to him and grab his arm.

"Cato. Cato!"

"What! What do you want, Clove?"

"Calm down. It's okay."

"It's not okay! All our supplies are gone and the person who did this got away!"

"We don't know that. We probably didn't hear the cannon over the noise."

"Yeah, yeah. You're probably right."

He stops pacing and sits down. I sit beside him and he wraps his arms around me. I tense up. There's probably cameras watching us now. Plus Marvel is standing a few feet away. Cato sighs and lets go.

"Sorry. I'm just so stressed out."

"It's okay," I say in a small voice.

"Hey Cato, I'm going to go check my traps. I'll be back," says Marvel.

Cato nods and I hear Marvel start walking away.

"What traps?" I ask.

"He set up traps early this morning. They're big enough to catch a person or large animal."

I nod in response.

I make a fire near the cornucopia as the sun goes down. Cato hands me some crackers and I start eating them. Two cannons go off and I look over at Cato. I get a sick feeling in my stomach. Marvel still isn't back and it's been a few hours. I'm really worried and even though Cato wouldn't admit it, I can tell he is too.

An hour later, Marvel still isn't back. The anthem starts any minute now. I haven't been watching it but tonight I need to. I hope Marvel isn't in the sky but I have a feeling he is. He should be back. He needs to walk through the trees right now so I can sleep peaceful knowing he is okay. But if I do see him in the sky, I know he's even better than okay.

The anthem starts and the first face is Marvels. I put my hood over my head and my arms across my face. I will not cry. I cannot cry. Not over him. I barely knew him. I let out a sigh and remove my arms from my face.

I regret it instantly. The little girl from district 11 is in the sky. A tear rolls down my face and I cover it. I can't let the cameras see me cry. I would look weak.

Two hours after the anthem ends, I'm still wide awake. I know Cato is too because his breathing isn't leveled out. I want to crawl into his arms and lay there forever but I can't. We can't be our happy selves in here. I hate it. I hate it so much.



"I'm sorry."


"I've been acting crazy lately but I won't anyone."

"It's okay."

"No it's not. But it's just me and you now. We're the real team here."

"Only one goes home, though."

"I'm still keeping my promise."

Those words make me feeling ten times better. I don't know why but they do. I know he should win but I also know he couldn't live without me. I couldn't go back to two without him either. At least if I do die, I'll know he'll be with me soon after.

"So am I."

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