Chapter Twenty One: The End Is Near

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Chapter Twenty One

The End Is Near

I land on the hard floor of the hovercraft. There's people talking but I can't make out their words. It sounds like I'm underwater. I feel myself being lifted by someone. Their arms are strong and warm.

They lay me down and I shiver instantly. Whatever I'm laying on is hard and cold. I feel my arms and legs being strapped down. Why am I being strapped down? Does it look like I'm strong enough to even lift my arm up? I feel something enter my arm and I wince. My legs start tingling. I start feeling really tired and weak. I can no longer fight to stay alive. I let the darkness take me over.


I slowly open my eyes. As I turn my head to the side, pain shoots through my neck. I groan and try to lift my hand to touch it. I find out quickly that I can't do that. My arms are still strapped down. I let out a sigh. I can't help but start wondering why I'm not dead. I should be dead. The boy from 11 dented my skull with a stone, right? That's what he meant to do anyway.

"Clove, you're awake."

The voice sounds really familiar. It can't be the person I think it is, though. I know it can't be.

"Yeah. I'm awake but where am I?"

"District two. Where else would you be?"

District two? How can I be there?

"What? I can't be."

I hear footsteps then see the face I thought I would never see again. My father.

"And why do you say that?"

"I died in the games."

"The games? Do you mean the Hunger Games?"


"You never went to the Hunger Games."

He's lying. He has to be. I know I did. I went in there with Cato... Right?

"But I went in there with Cato."

"Cato went but you did not."

"Yes I did."

"Clove, you're just confused."

"No. YOU are the one that's confused!"

"Why are you messing with the poor girl?"

I know that voice too. It's Brutus!

"Brutus! Where's Cato? Why aren't I dead?"

I hear him chuckle then say," Why don't I show you?"

Whatever I'm laying on starting leaning up so that I'm sitting up. Ignoring the pain, I look around the room. I'm not in District Two. I can tell by the room. It's a white room. It's really small. The only thing in it is the table I'm laying on and a tv. 

The tv turns on and I see Cato. He's running through the woods in pouring rain. I see the boy from 11 standing a few feet away. Cato charges at him. Just as the boy is about to run away, Cato lifts his sword and starts stabbing him repeatedly.

As the cannon goes off, Cato screams," That was for killing her!"

He jumps up and starts running. The picture switches to Cato fighting Peeta and Katniss on the top of the cornucopia. The next thing happens so fast. Cato grabs Peeta, wrapping his arm around his neck. Katniss pulls out an arrow, pointing it at Cato.

They're talking but I can't hear what they're saying. I can only see the movements of their mouths. I see Peeta draw an X on Cato's hand then Katniss shoots it. Peeta pushes him off the cornucopia. The picture changes to these dog like things trying to eat Cato as he fights them off.

After an hour of him begging for someone to kill him, Katniss shoots him in the head. His cannon goes off. The screen on the tv goes black. I feel tears start rolling down my face. I can't wipe them away so I taste them as they reach my lips. They taste salty.

"Did you like the show?" asks my father.

"N-no. Why would you show me that?"

"Because you knew he was dead along anyway. No weakly like him could win. You both bought disgrace to our district."

Anger rises inside me. How dare he say that? He's my father. He's suppose to love me no matter what.

"Shut up!"

"What did you say?"

"Shut up! Just shut up, father! I'm still alive so I couldn't have bought much disgrace to our district!"

"No one knows that you're alive."

I give him a confused look but he just laughs. The table starts going down again and soon I'm laying flat on my back. I hear the door slam.

A few minutes later, the door opens again. I hear footsteps and feel myself going up again. Once again I'm sitting up. I don't see anyone in here with me, though.

"It's nice seeing you again, Ms. Kentwell."

President Snow walks over to me and smile. I awkwardly smile back. It quickly fades once I see a needle in his hand.

"What's that for?"

"I already have my victors for this year. There's no need for you."

He sticks the needle in my arm then walks out of the room. I feel my body paralyze and my eyes closing. This isn't how I planned on dying. At least I know that I'll be with Cato soon.

Darkness takes over for a few seconds then I see a bright light. Cato is standing there with his arms wide open. I run to him and he hugs me tight.

"What took you so long?"

"Does it matter? I'm here now."

"I guess not. I was just worried."

"I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you, Clover."

"I love you too, Cato."

We break our hug and I smile up at him. He smiles back as he takes my hand. We start walking hand in hand down the bright path.

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