Chapter Fifteen: Why Is It So Hot?

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Chapter Fifteen

Why Is It So Hot?

Sweat runs down my face as we hike up a hill. We've been looking for tributes since dawn but haven't found anyone yet. Cato is leading with Glimmer and Marvel right behind him then Peeta is in front of me. I don't know why I was put in charge of watching him. He could easily take me down. I can tell he's strong by just looking at him. Cato must trust that I wouldn't let him leave without a fight, though.

I take off my jacket and wrap it around my wast. It helps me cool down some but I'm still pouring of sweat. I can only imagine what Glimmer looks like right now. She doesn't seem like the type of girl who trained all her life. I know she didn't volunteer but neither did I.

Cato stops and turns to face us. His hair is wet from sweat and he looks out of breath. He lets out a sigh of frustration and punches the tree beside him.

"Where is everyone at?!"

"We know just as much as you." Glimmer answers.

He glares at her for a minute before continuing up the hill. I see her and Marvel exchange looks before following him. Peeta looks back at me with a uneasy expression but I just shake my head. He nods then starts walking.

We finally stop to take a break and eat. Marvel throws me a water bottle and a pack of crackers. I jug the water half way then start eating the crackers. The hot sun is making it hard to enjoy them but I need to get something on my stomach. Cato didn't give us time to eat this morning. All he wanted to do was find tributes. He said and I quote,' There's no time for food. The more we kill, the more chance we have of going home.'

I don't think he paid attention to the looks on our fellow allies faces but I did. They looked confused. Of course they did. Who wouldn't have been confused? We can't all go home. Only one out our group is going home. Or maybe no one is our group will go home. Maybe Katniss will go home. Maybe the little 12 year old from 11 will go home. Who knows? Not any of us. Cato is just hoping it will be me but it won't. I'm still keeping the promise we made on the train. He dies, I die. It could come down to just me and him but I'll kill myself before that happens. There's no way I can let myself make it to the last two.

"Hey, guys. What's that?" asks Marvel as he stands up and points.

I turn my head to where he's pointing but don't see anything. I stand up and walk over to him. I look the direction he's pointing in. There's a orangish glow coming our way. It starts getting hotter and hotter as it nears. As I stare at it something clicks in my mind and I know what it is.

"Fire! It's a fire!" I yell.

We all start grabbing our stuff and running away from it. I notice that I'm in the lead but I have no idea where I'm going. The smoke from the fire starts surrounding me. My eyes start to water and I start coughing. I make a right and start running faster, trying to get out of this room the smoke has made.

The smoke starts to clear up and I start to slow down. I see a little stream up ahead so I decide to go there. I run to it and stop. I sit down and soon enough my allies join me. We're breathing heavy and I can tell that I'm not the only one who's confused.

Who started the fire?

No, why did they?

You must be really stupid to start a forest fire in the Hunger Games. Not only will you kill yourself but everyone else too. Then who would win? If you get every tribute killed then President Snow would probably kill your whole family. No one would be a winner in that case. Luckily, it seems that the Gamemakers have put the fire out. I'm pretty sure it would have reached us by now if they didn't.

I finally begin to breath normal again and I lay my head against a rock. It's really cold so it helps cool me down some.

"Who's that?" I hear Peeta ask.

I open my eyes and see him looking straight in front of him. His face is white like he just saw something terrifying. I follow his eyes and see Katniss in the stream. Her face is full of relief. She hasn't noticed us yet.

"It's the girl from 12!" Screams Glimmer.

Katniss's eyes are wide and full of panic now. She hurries out of the stream and takes off running.

"Don't just sit there! Go, go, go!" Cato yells as he starts running.

I get to my feet and start running after him and the others. I notice Peeta isn't in front of me and stop. I turn around and see him standing in the same spot, frozen in place.

"Come on, Lover boy!"

He snaps out of whatever trance he was in and start running towards me. I wait for him to pass me before continuing.

I bet he wishes he didn't say a word now.

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