Chapter Five: If You Can So Can I

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Chapter Five

If You Can So Can I

The suspense is killing everyone in the room. There's 2 minutes of training left and the instructor still hasn't told us who will volunteer tomorrow. He has to tell us or no one will volunteer. I'm really hoping it's not me. I know most people would be honored but I wouldn't be. Being sent off to your death isn't something to be proud of. I've never seen the point of killing 23 kids every year. They say it's to let us know who is charge but I think it's to make sure we don't overpopulate. The Hunger Games is a stupid idea either way.

I pack up my knifes and start walking out of the door with Cato at my side. He has a unreadable expression on his face. I think he's upset that he doesn't know who is volunteering. He could be one of his friends after all. This is the only reason I'm glad Cato is my only friend. I don't have to worry about a lot of people I know going to their death. I only have Cato to worry about but from the looks of it, I don't have to worry too much.

We reach the bottom of the steps when I hear someone say Cato's name. We both look and see a boy wearing black. He tells Cato that he needs to talk to him.

Cato looks at me then says," Meet me at the place we went last night later."


He smiles at me before walking back up the steps to the boy. I start making my way home. I open the door and walk inside the house. Father is probably home early again, waiting to hear who will be volunteering. He's going to be mad when I tell him I don't know.

I walk to the living room and see him sitting on the couch. I go sit on the chair across from him. He looks at me then crosses his arms.

"So who is it this year?"

"I don't know."

"How don't you know? You were there."

"The instructor didn't tell us."

"Damn it!"


"It must be a 18 year old volunteering this year then. I was hoping it would be you!"

"There's always next year."

"Don't be a smartass, Clove."

"I wasn't being a...."

He cuts me off by saying," Just go to your room! You disgust me."

I just nod and go to my room. Why would he want his only kid sent off to her death? Did he really think I had a chance at winning? Yes, I never miss my target and I can take down a person a lot bigger than me but there's always someone better. I let out a sigh and lay on my bed. Maybe he'll be in a better mood at dinner.

I make sure Father is sleeping before going out the door. It's a little pass midnight now. I hope Cato doesn't expect me to stay long. The Reaping is tomorrow and I don't want to be tired during it. I reach the spot we were at yesterday and sit down. Cato isn't here yet. Hopefully, he'll be here soon.

20 minutes later, Cato shows up and sits down beside me. He doesn't say anything. He just wraps his arms around me and pull me into his lap. I rest my head on his shoulder and stare up at him. He's staring back at me with a smile on his face. He closes the space between us and kisses me.

He pulls away and says," I love you."

"I love you too."

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I was picked to volunteer."

My eyes widen and I pull out of his arms. I stand up and look down at him.

"What? Cato, you can't volunteer!"

"You know I don't have a choice!"

He's right he doesn't have a choice but I do.

"Then I'll volunteer too."

"Clove, you can't do that."

"I can and I will."

He sighs and stands up. He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks in my eyes.

"Listen, you can't volunteer. Only one comes out."

"What if it's not you?"

"It will be. I'll only be gone a few weeks and when I come home we can do anything you want."

"Cato, I can't let you leave without me."

"You have to stay here and root for me. While I'm in the arena, you'll be on my mind every second of the day. Please, just stay here."

I just throw myself into his arms and let the tears come out. I know only one comes out but what if it isn't him? I couldn't live a day without him. I would never be able to forgive myself if I wasn't there to protect him and he died in that arena.

He's whispering everything we will do once he wins but I've stopped listening. I won't be there to do them with him. My mind is made up. I'm volunteering tomorrow and there's nothing he can do. I'm going to make sure he comes home alive.

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