Chapter Seven: The Train

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Chapter Seven

The Train

After waiting in that room for almost an hour, the peacekeepers came and got me. We're in a car on the way to the train station now. It's only our escort, Cato, and me in the car. Our escort is the only thing between us, keeping us from talking or even touching. I haven't seen him look this mad since I told him how my father treated me. Trust me, I had to beg him to not do anything. I really hope this look is just for the cameras but I have a gut feeling it isn't.

The car stops and peacekeepers open our doors and pull us out. You'd think we committed a serious crime or something. I've never been so close to this many peacekeepers. I guess it's so we don't run away. Like we could if we tried.

I step onto the train in front of Cato and walk through the door. I look around in awe. Everything is so fancy and pretty. I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and turn to see Cato, smiling at me. So the look was for the cameras.

"I know that you're only here for a limited time but do try to enjoy yourself while your here," says our escort before walking down a hallway.

I walk over and sit down on a chair at the table. Cato joins me and grabs my hand under the table.

"I guess the odds aren't exactly in our favor," he jokes.

I laugh and look at him. He's already staring at me and I smile. My smile quickly fades as I see our mentors enter the room. I pull my hand away from his and look straight ahead. They sit down across for us and start studying us.

"I'm Enobaria and I'll be Cloves mentor."

She eyes me carefully then smiles. I awkwardly smile back.

"I'm Brutus and I'll be Cato's mentor."

"First thing is, of course, do you want to be trained together or separately?" asks Brutus.

"Separately," answers Cato.

"Clove, is that okay with you?"

"Yes, that's fine with me."

Servants start bringing out plates of food and laying them in front of us. I wait until everyone else begins eating before starting. Brutus makes small talk with Cato as we eat. I can feel Enobaria staring at me but I just continue looking down at my food.

"So Clove, what's your skill?"

I look up and see everyone staring at me. I put down my fork and open my mouth to talk but Cato beats me to it.

"She's really good at throwing knifes. Actually, she's the best. She never misses. She can also take down a person twice her size. It's amazing," he says proudly.

Enobaria and Brutus exchange uneasy looks.

"Do you two know each other?" Brutus questions.

"No, no. I've just seen her train. That's all."

"If you say so. You two go to your rooms and get some rest. We'll be at the Capital in the morning."

We both get up and walk down the hallway our escort did earlier. I find the room with my name taped to the door and go in. I look around then lay on the soft bed. My room could fit in this room 10 times. It's huge. I know I should probably change clothes but I'm so tired that I don't care if my dress gets wrinkled.

"Clove," someone shoves my shoulder," Cloveeeeeeee. Wake up!"

I open my eyes and see Catos face inches from mine. He smiles when he sees that I'm awake. He kisses me then pulls away. He jumps over my body and lays behind me. He pulls me close and sighs.

"What are we going to do, Clover?"

"You're going to win and come home. You're going to get married to some lucky girl and have kids," I whisper.

He chuckles and says," Silly, silly Clove. What am I going to do with you? I only want you and if I can't have that then I would rather be dead."

"You can't die in that arena. If you die, I die."

"Okay. If you die, I die."

Did he just agree with me? No, no he can't die.

"You're going to live."

He lets a loud sigh and turns me so that we are facing each other. He takes my face in hands and kisses me again.

"Clove, don't you understand that I'm only alive when I'm with you. If you die and I live, I'll be a walking dead person. Half my heart will be gone and I'll be useless. I don't care what you say. If you die, I die. I love you to much to go a single day without you."



He kisses me once more before getting out of the bed and walking out the door.

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