12. ZEN x READER (Don't Let Go) #1

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Note: Y/N = Your Name

Sorry, my updates is all about Zen. I think he's perfect in this kind of situation. ^^


"Gahhh! I'm never gonna drink again!" A girl said while hugging the toilet bowl's rim. She was about to say another word when she suddenly throw up.

Zen was holding her hair making sure it won't get dirty as the girl dizzily disposed everything from her stomach.

"Y/N, I told you not to drink too much... Look what happened." Zen scolded in a worried voice while caressing her back. It helps ease the pain.

"But it was fun... It--" her voice was stopped when another wave of distress went gushing from her mouth. She cough, her throat is almost dry. Tears came falling from her cheeks.

"There, there... It'll be fine..." He said still massaging her back while holding her hair back.

"I feel dizzy Zenny... Don't leave me." Her voice was weak

"Just don't drink too much next time okay?" He scolded with a gentle voice.

The girl answered in another vomit. She was drunk. They've been dancing and drinking all night, celebrating Zen's new lead role.

She was tightly holding in the toilet rim while Zen was holding her hair as he massage her back. It was their scene in the bathroom for about 15 minutes.

When she was done, she lazily looked at his eyes. She smiled, a smile so sweet it made him stone-cold yet his heart was beating erratically.

God! Those lazy eyes... It's seducing him to kiss her in an instant. He must fight the urge of doing so. He doesn't want to take advantage of the situation. He is a gentleman.

He sighed.

He knew very much that he loves this girl so much, yet he was afraid of showing it.

Yes, he was a coward.

He was blushing, so he pulled her closer to his chest. Her scent was hypnotizing. Enough to make a man go crazy.

He took another deep breath. He slowly carried her bridal style to her room.

How he wished he'd carry her this way as husband and wife and not just mere bestfriends.

"Can you stay for the night?" She whispered while her eyes closed.

"I think you should get some rest." He answered as he gently tucked her on her bed.

"Don't go Zenny." She said, almost a whisper.

"Shhh... Have a good night. Dream of me babe." He whispered back.

She was already asleep. Too much partying is not good for her, that is the reason why you're always there for her. To always look over her just in case she get drunk.

Was it really the only reason why you want to be with her? Isn't it because you are deeply in love of this angel? He asked himself.

Probably the answer is both.

He remembered the day when he first saw this angel. He was still part of that motorcycle gang who loves vandalizing the town. For them, destructin was not just a form of release from their anxiety but also a hobby they couldn't live without.

He was busy spraying the municipal wall that day with random words of rage, when she suddenly pat his back.

"Hey you! Don't you know you're vandalizing over a public property?" She said. She was pretty much younger back then.

He just returned her remarks with a smirk.

"What would you feel if I draw something on your face huh? Tell me... what would you feel if I destroy your handsome face?!" She said again like a grandma scolding a teenager.

Instead of getting mad, he just chuckled in amusement. She was too cute to be angry.

"So you find me beautiful?" He chuckled

"What? That's not the point. I'm talking about the wall!" She said blushing.

That was the very first time he followed her almost every day to the point that he forgot to do his destruction hobby.

He met her when he was in the dark, she lit everything up. She's an angel that shined upon his darkest days.

He smiled while reminiscing those days. Now, they totally become best of friends.

He knows he's been loving this girl ever since he first met her. But he never showed it.

He was afraid that everything might change. That the years they spent together as best friends will fall apart.

He really is a coward.

But one thing is certain. He would give everything just to grow old with this girl.

He stared at the sleeping girl like how he'd been looking at her almost every night.

She's been asking him about girls, but he's too afraid to tell her all the details. He'd just play it cool, telling everyone how beautiful he is instead of answering the question directly. He's like a scarred dog hiding his tail away.

He caressed her face gently.

"One day babe... I'll tell you how much I love you... Just don't love anyone yet. Please wait for me." Zen whispered as he lovingly watch his angel wander off the fields of dream.

End of part 1.

Please wait for part 2 and 3 😁😁😁

Inspired by: "Say You Won't Let Go." By James Arthur.

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