Chapter 21

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Another surprise update only because you guys were so nice with all your comments on the last one... Keep up like that ;)


"Here's your coffee." I smiled as I entered the studio, seeing Justin work hard together with his producer and some friend who was apparently going to be on the record with him. I don't know exactly why but I had been acting like a personal servant for them during all these hours, I even took the day off work which had Christian raise an eyebrow at me. Although, luckily me, he seemed to really like me so he didn't mind. "Let me know if there's anything else."

Justin hummed and snatched the coffee out of my hand, muttering a thank you. Normally I would not be fine with his behaviour like this, ungrateful and arrogant, but the only reason was because he had been so caught up with getting this project done that he barely noticed all the things I was doing for him. He took them for granted.

I was fine with that, though because I have always been taking him for granted.

Maybe I deserved to be treated like this for a while. 

After all, he did tell me I needed to earn my way back to him. Whatever that meant. After our little small talk, he asked me why I chose to go out with Christian. I had told him Christian and I was nothing but friends and that I had made sure he knew that too. Justin seemed utterly surprised but thankful for my faithfulness. We might have had a couple days off, a week in fact, but that didn't mean anything changed. A week isn't a lot. It's seven days and not a lot can change in seven days. Especially not feelings. Not when it comes to Justin however.

"Diana?" I heard the producer, who's name I had forgotten, call out my name. I was instantly at his side, asking what I could help with. "I don't know what's wrong with him," he pointed with his finger and I followed it until I saw Justin's tense body seeming nervous for some reason, "but as his girlfriend, I suppose you could calm him down?"

"Oh," I began to shake my head slightly, "I'm not exactly his girlfriend."

"Well whatever you is, he's pretty into you considering all he ever wants to do is write these songs about you, so make sure he calms down. It's not good for the music if he keeps being that tense." The producer gave me a little push towards him, making sure I followed his lead. His words started to repeat themselves in my head. All he ever wants to do is write these songs about you. I suddenly felt special again even though I didn't know if the songs were positive or negative. Having somebody writing songs about you was a whole different feeling, you felt important considering they wasted their time thinking about you. 

I felt myself swallow a big lump that had gotten caught in my throat once I neared him. I touched his shoulder, making him jump of surprise until he saw my familiar face, "Are you okay?"

He shrugged my hands off his body. "Just fine." 

"You sure? You seem a little off." I whispered the last part, suddenly feeling like I am bothering him. I wanted to back off but his producer's words were stuck in my mind. Justin did care about me. He wanted to write songs about me and he was going to put them on his new album for everybody to hear. I had no idea what the songs were about or which part of me (it seemed like I had more than one side recently) he was writing about but it still meant something to me. I was special enough for him to do that. "You can tell me if there's something wrong."

"I'm aware." He nodded, then gave me a kiss on the cheek before he whispered, "I need to get back to work."

I held my breath and tried to hold onto the feeling of his lips against my skin as long as possible. I never wanted to let that go. I wish he could see how much he meant to me and how much I am prepared to change for him. It had only been a day yet still I was certain that I would change fully to him. I would commit fully to him. I was prepared to take all those steps for us to begin somewhere new. A fresh start with no secrets and no lies. Just us. Nothing would come between us again and I would make sure of it. 

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