You could ask

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"Look at that." Simon said as I climbed the steps onto the plane, "Rich kid who don't want to be rich is getting on a private jet."

"It's not a private jet it's a private plane it's not big enough to be a jet." I mutter, "And how else am I expected to get back to England I don't own a house here."

"You could ask for one." Simon shrugged, "I did."

"I know I could ask but I don't really want to."

"Ask to live with me we have enough space." Simon smiled as I stood in the doorway, "Seriously think about it."

"Alright Simon I'll see you in two weeks." I step inside the empty plane and flop down in the seat nearest to me.

I don't understand how going on my parents plane to get home counters the fact I want a normal life. How else am I expected to get home on such short notice.

I never really fit in with the other rich kids. Simon did. Heck he lived this life we was given to the fullest, he knew money isn't an object so he pushed that to the limits. Renting out millionaire mansions for party's.

Oh the party's.

I wouldn't exactly call them party's. More like 2 days of drinking, sex and being banned from using the helicopters. The amount of money spent on booze is probably in the tens of thousands. Everyone acts like Simons party's are some exclusive advent when in reality if your parents have the cash and you fit in with the others then he don't care.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm Simons friend. I never managed to get into the fun of things. Why he hasn't got bored of me yet I don't know.

Authors note

Right now I put my music on shuffle and what's playing isn't really fitting in with this part of the story. I don't need these love songs right now.

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