On paper

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If I was to say that today wasn't too bad that would be a lie. Today went awfully. Well in retrospect it wasn't bad, I just felt like complete and utter shit the whole day while Simon charmed everyone around him.

It's a amazing gift if I'm being completely honest. He's only been their a day and I've heard girls talking about him. Me on the other hand, people only know my name because of Simon. I'm going to have to work out how to socialise properly again.

I should probably ask Simon how the fuck he is able to charm anyone to bed, that's basically what he's doing. I mean with enough time he could probably get anyone to sleep with me including me.

That's how I know he don't have a crush on me, he don't use that oh so perfect charm on me.

To be honest on paper he's totally my type, other than the fact he's a guy and I'm straight. That's a bit of a deal breaker. Not that Simon would be attracted to me in the first place, I would say I'm not his type but Simon don't really have a type. He just finds just about everybody attractive.

Anyway Simon is my best and only friend he don't think about kissing me and I'm not thinking about kissing him. Just friends, I have no romantic feelings for Simon at all, everything is all hypothetical. It's just if I was gay, not that I'm gay. I like girls. Yeah I'm definitely into girls, I'm not gay at all.

"Josh?" I snap back into reality, "What you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I lie.

"Josh your..."

"Such a shit lier." I interrupt laughing, "I know Simon."

"So what is it?" He asked, I can't tell him he would probably think I'm leading him on or something, not that he likes me.

"A bunch of random shit." I shrug, "Honestly I'm just wondering how the fuck your able to charm people."

"What do you mean." Simon looked confused, he can't not know what he's doing, "I don't charm people."

"Sure you do." I laugh, he has to be kidding, "You so effortlessly make people fall for you. Everyone wants to hear what you have to say, they all want to be your friend. When you speak to them you make them feel special and look good while doing it."

"Are you flirting with me Josh?" He joked, "I look good yeah."

"You know what I mean." I roll my eyes.

"I don't mean to charm people." Simon stops and thinks for a few seconds, "I guess I'm just social."

"You know girls are already talking about how hot you are." Simon can't be oblivious to that.

"Yeah I know that. It's great."

Yeah it's great.

Authors note

Double update.

Their not very heterosexual thoughts your having their josh.

What'a going on with everyone's life's. When do you break up from school? I think I lost brain cells watching love island, I used to use the phrase on paper a lot but now I feel I can't use it.

The 2017 APMA'S where pretty good but nothing will beat the tea of the 2015 APMA'S. Alt press claims to be about all anti-hate but they support Matty Mullins and Ronnie Radke who are both know for transphobia and sexism.

No shade, no tea but seriously.

Sorry for the long authors note but I'm writing a love like war, the third and final book in the love story my ass trilogy so go read the first two because I think it's my favourite thing to write.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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