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It was around 11pm when things started to get crazy. Mine and Simons rooms where both locked but that sill left the rest of the house for anyone to use. I dread to think what's going on behind closed doors. Simons probably behind one of them with some super modal looking chick. Honestly he probably found a model to fuck, it wouldn't be the first time.

I'm the outcast here, not like anyone notices. Their too drunk to notice. Simons probably too drunk to help me with an escape plan.

Half the people here are surly alcoholics. I like to drink and I have to admit I'm a pretty heavy drinker when it comes down to it. The people at these party's are a whole other story. I'm a strong believer in not abusing what's given to you for free, alcohol especially. The amount of people who will be waking up in a hospital because of liver failure or the more immediate problem, alcohol poisoning.

I lean back against the wall and open a can of cider. It must be nice being about to drink your problems away. I can't do that, not that I don't try. It works when I'm alone to be myself but at a party I have to be carful. I can't just let myself be me. Not everyone here is so wasted they forget what happened the day before, someone will remember if I said something. I can't let that happen. 

People do dumb things when they let loose.

I take another sip avoiding eye contact with any of the drunk dancers around me. Sweaty body's grinding on sweaty body's. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for one of Simons infamous party's. Right now is one of them times.

At least I have alcohol to dull the pain of it all.

Authors note

I managed to write another chapter so I can update. I have 18% and no wifi. My data also don't refresh until tomorrow (day of writing) so that sucks because I ran out.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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