Just a dream

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someone's putting me down on the ground don't know what to do. what's happening?!

" don't be scared, it only hurts in the beginning"

who said that? why can't I see anything? please get me out of here!

" please stop! who are you and why can't I see anything?? just stop please?!"

tears rolled down my face when I felt lips kissed my lips I stiffened and couldn't do anything.

" don't cry my baby girl, you will enjoy it I promise "

baby girl? there's only 1 person who called me like that but it can't be is he? no?

"Phil? please why are you doing this?? don't? "

tears kept falling Down my skin I knew it was phil the ex husband of my mom. suddenly I felt his hands running down my back. he slowly pulled my shirt up and kissed me at my stomach.

" the fact you don't stop me is because you like it and now stop crying ! "

he slapped me in the face so hard that I got a little bit unconscious.

" stay awake babe you don't want to miss the fun don't you? "

he slowly untied my bra and take them off. why is this happening im only 6 why? he kissed me at my breast and got down my pants he quickly takes my pants of and also my underwear. I just couldn't move. when is mom coming home? Does she know hes in here? does she know what Phil is doing with me? I'll hope she comes home quickly.

" are you ready? he said in my ear?. "

I heard the joy in his voice he liked the way I was scared of being raped. suddenly a pain run down my body I knew it was in me, HE was in me. I was crying, crying from pain, crying for the fact this is actually happening to me.

" please stop you're hurting me please I will do anything but please stop ! "

I yelled, begged and cried while I said that but he didn't respond he only started to laugh and even started to push harder and deeper.

"  Phil stop now! you're a jerk I hate you please stop " I yelled

suddenly I felt a fist in my face and I passed away. the last thing I saw and heard before I past away was my mom coming in the house and start screaming at Phil


that's when I passed away.

" Renesmee! Renesmee please wake up! you got to wake up! "

I jumped up and I was sweating crying and saw my mom sitting next to me.

" you had a bad dream don't you? "

I quickly got in the arms of my mom and started to cry even harder. I can't believe I dreamed about it again. it's been almost 10 years ago when Phil my moms ex husband raped me. and I still think about it a lot.

" thank you mom, thank you "

" you don't need to thank me, you should hate me because I let that happened to you ... "

" never mom, if you weren't there he probably killed me afterward "

" just go back to sleep, I stay with you and make sure to wake you up when I think there's something wrong, I love you Renesmee you are my little girl "

she gave me a kiss on my forehead and got next to me

" love you too mom "

I shut my eyes and saw Phil's face, I quickly started to think about my mom and how much I loved her it was only just a dream, it wouldn't happen ever again.

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