3 days of hell ( part 3 )

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" get up you piece of shit it's time for a bath "

a bath? he must be joking?

" a bath? why? why are you so friendly? "

" I'm just bathing you now get up! "

I did what he asked because a bath would be nice. strange ... we got up stairs he put a towel around me and gibe me a little smile, not a I will get you kind of smile, but a nice smile. it felt reallu strange ... I heard the water running then he came in

" time  for a bath "

don't know why but I knew something was going to happen, we got in the bathroom and everything was alright, for now ...

" go in the bathtub "

I did what he asked but right when my toes hit the water I felt it was hot water, not just hot, but it burned like hell

" it's way to hot ... I don't want to ... "

" go or I will throw you in it "

" no I'm not going!! "

why did I answered back? now he's going to hit me or something!

he picked me up but I struggled back if I got in that water my skin wil burn ...

I screamed and yelled but he was way too strong. he throws me in the water and I felt how the water burned my skin off ... literally.

" you thought it would be a nice bath? you were wrong like always your skin will come off like I wanted to. "

indeed my skin came off and it hurts like hell I tried to think of cold things but it didn't worked, goddamn it hurts badly ... I don't know how long I've been there it felt like hours and he watched me lthe whole time

" time to get out "

when I finally get out I had third degrees burn wounds I was sure about it over my whole body.

I couldn't walk, so he picked me up but that was hell I know I won't survive this ... I'll hope but it won't happen ... pleas god take care of my daughter ... I was layed against the wall.

" you see you've been here only 2 days and you won't survive it. I will be kind and write on your stupid little wall days /// so when they find you they now you only lived 3 days. I know they are looking for you. renesmee or Esmee like you love too call her warned the police. bye vanessa, I'll hope you die in piece probably you won't,  and actually no don't die in piece, die in hell! "

I know he was right, I won't take it any longer with these wounds they will kill me ... I'll hope I make it till Esmee finds me ...

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