where am I?

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I woke up and couldn't remember what happened.

" where am I? "

" you're fine babe. I'm with you. "

Arthur? what's he doing here? I really can't remember anything ... I need to know what happened!

" Arthur why are you here? what happened? say something! "

" you need to calm down. if you're ok, then I will tell you what happened. just try to calm down. "

he hold me tight and kissed my forehead. that made me calm immediately.

" you calmed down? "

" yes I am "

" ok, last night there was someone in the house, and you decided to go on your own. I don't know why you didn't wake me and that was really stupid of you. and what was you thinking? did you really thought you could hurt him with a stuffed animal? "

I couldn't helped but laugh at the last sentence.

" yeah now you're laughing! "

" sorry ... but pleas stop I don't want to hear any further ... "

" I'll think it's better if you don't know it either. please don't go on you're own next time? "

" I won't I promise "

at that point I noticed that my mom still wasn't home jet so I tried to call her.

this is the voicemail of Vanessa, pleas leave a message

" Arthur there's something wrong where's my mom?? "

" I I don't know Renesmee ... "

Vanessa's P.O. V.

where am I? what's going on? I wanted to get up but I noticed I was chained too a wall

" hello? is anybody out there? Hello! somebody answer me pleas? ... "

tears rolled down my face, all I could think of was Renesmee.

" hello Vanessa, long time ago isn't it? "

" who are you? where are you? "

suddenly a dark shape came in to the light and I immediately recognized him

" Phil! "

" that's right. I'm back. and I will get my revenge on you and your daughter renesmee. I almost got my revenge on her but I didn't know her boyfriend would be sleeping over. no worries I will take care of her Arthur or what's his name. "

Arthur was home? she has a boyfriend? it was good Arthur was home he actually saved her live ... does he know about this? I really hate Phil!

" you can't get away with this! Renes isn't that stupid and Arthur will protect her with everything he has! "

I felt a punch in my face and it really was hurting, I felt my heart bouncing where he punched me in the face.

" you basterd that really hurts! you won't get away I'll promise you you will regret everything! "

" be quiet or I will hurt you even more "

he slowly grabbed my head with his hands and kissed my forehead, the place where he punched me. he looked at my eyes and to my lips. the only thing I could think of was don't kiss me on my lips ... but he did

" don't be afraid, it wasn't the meaning to hurt you like that babe. but kiss me back or I will don't again "

I did what he said and kissed him back. I was afraid, afraid that I won't survive this and that he will get renes pleas let everything be alright with her ...

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