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you had been sitting in your car parked outside my house. You were waiting on me to finish grabbing my stuff. I got out of my house and practically ran to the car. Hopping in I told you to drive. You put it into drive and started down the road I turned on the radio, it wasn't loud and blasting like I had my music. It was loud enough to hear with the windows cracked. The music had a good beat and bass. The words flowed. And you sang along with it, laughing as you drove. I told you that you had a good singing voice. You didn't really believe me but you had a good voice. I liked the song too. Halfway through the song I started singing with you. I knew the way we were going. You turned on to the gravel road like you did this every day. Which was true, you did turn on to this road every day. The car vibrated as we went over the bumpy gravel. Traveling down the road you pulled into the driveway of the barn. You had finally convinced me to come with you on a trail ride. I jumped out of the car, my boots hitting the grass. We walked side by side towards the barn to get saddled up. Tacking up the horses took about thirty minutes to do. We led them out of the barn and got on them. It was a calm day with a breeze and the sun was shining. The horses nickered as we neared the trail. The loomed ahead of us and we went into them. The sun was shining into the trees making light dance around us. We didn't talk, just rode. It was nice, the calm quiet of the horses and the trail. The trail lasted for about two hours and by the end of it the sun had started to set. Swinging my leg over the side of the horse to get off was easy. We slowly untacked them. After untacking we groomed them. We worked in silence together. After we had done all of the grooming we went back to the car. You had to unlock the doors manually. You unlocked the driver's side first and then the passenger's from the inside. I slid in and buckled up and locked my door back. You started the car up and put it in drive. We pulled off. That same song came on the radio again. It ended up becoming our song by the end of that drive.

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