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It was the holiday time. Halloween was coming up soon. I had told you about how much the holiday season stressed me out usually. How my family made it a living hell, how everything had to be perfect down to the smallest tiniest thing. You told me that you would make all of those stressful holidays disappear for me. Told me that it would never make me want to scream in frustration. You told me to pick out something to do for Halloween: a party, trick-or-treating, it didn't matter, as long as I was happy. I told you that I wanted to go trick-or-treating. We had also been invited to a costume party put on by some of our friends. I didn't know what to do, the party was on the thirteenth of October, it was only ten days away. I didn't have an idea for a costume anything would be good though. We had talked about it for a little while, sitting down to watch some movies on the couch. The Pirates of the Caribbean theme coming on, I still had the song memorized from all the years of hearing it. I loved those movies. So did you. That's when I thought of the costume idea. And I asked if you would want to go as pirates. You said that it was a great idea and that we should do it. You asked if we should go to Party City today or tomorrow. I said tomorrow, so that we could plan what would work for our costumes. The next day you drove us. You currently had more sanity than I did at the moment. You parked at the edge of the parking lot. We went in to the store and grabbed a basket, looking around to find things for our costumes. I grabbed a had and two plastic swords and a pistol. You grabbed a sword and cloak. It was fun; running down the isles of the store. Having a sword fight in the middle of the store and being yelled at by the employees. We bought our things. Laughing at each other as we put our costume stuff in the back of the car. We went home and had a pirate movie marathon. We had a sword fight all throughout the house. It was awesome. Both of us didn't hold back any of our sword skills. And we were both sweating and tired by the end of that night.    

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