Something New Part 2

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Everything was crazy for Emma that day. She woke up and found herself in her bed. She looked in her mirror. ¨Crap, I look like a zombie...." she murmured. She changed into a cozy blue sweater, black jeggings, and threw on a gray beanie. She adorned herself with a rose color/shaped pin, a golden and aquamarine raindrop shaped necklace, and a small rose shaped ring to match her pin. She curled her hair and picked up her phone and texted Jake.

10:21 A.M.

Hey! :) EmEm:3

Sorry I didn't text you yesterday... long story EmEm:3

                                                              Jakey14 oh.... I was wondering about u :)

                          Jakey14 Wanna come over?? XD 

Sure ^^ EmEm:3

Jakey14 Will pick u up... txt u when i get there bai xoxo <3

¨Thank GOD he is not mad at me ...¨ Emma thought out loud. She applied a light touch of makeup and headed downstairs. She stared at the small table watch on the kitchen counter and thought of that mad ghost. Was she hallucinating? Was it just her blurred eyes seeing things? She wondered and then her body started disappearing again. She moaned quietly and sighed... ¨Crap....¨ when she opened her eyes she was in a dark forest... everything was foggy and there was no light. Emma heard footsteps  and hid behind a huge oak tree. She saw the.... ghost. She carefully stared at him as he walked... but realized it was, more of a float. He was a ghost after all... Then Emma accidentally made a soft crunch! sound. The ghost turned and floated towards Emma. Panicked and fear stricken, Emma stared at her watch and thought of her home as hard as possible. Thankfully the ghost did not see her but Emma knew that she would have to be more careful. ¨Damn! I could have died¨ Emma whispered out loud and panted, out of breath. She calmed down and gulped down a cold glass of water. She tried with all her will power to make sure she did not think of anything but looking at the time whenever she looked at a watch or clock of some sort. Ding! A sharp noise snapped Emma out of her thoughts.

10:58 A.M.

Jakey14 I am here! Right outside ur door :3

Emma ran out the door and the cute couple hugged. Jake kissed Emma and said ¨It has been absolutely FOREVER since we did that OR since I saw you....¨ He smiled and kissed Emma once again. Emma hopped into the luxurious convertible Jake owned. She leaned on Jake's soft leather jacket covered but strong shoulder and relaxed. Finally everything seemed right for once. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and said, ¨So? What were you doing?¨ ¨Not much other than worrying my butt off that you did not like me or something since you always text me when you say you will.¨ He grinned that goofy grin of his and smoothly drove into his parking lot. Emma knew every part of Jake's house, both of their parents worked at a company for government officials and were filthy rich! Emma walked in and Mrs. Willson greeted her with a warm hug, ¨Hey honey, you okay?¨ ¨Kind of... I guess I am still just a bit in shock. ¨Well I hope you know that you are always welcome here, love.¨ She smiled and gave the two some brownies and milk. ¨I'm going to go run some errands so you two stay here. ¨ Mrs. Willson called as she walked out the door.¨ The couple carried the food and went upstairs to Jake's room.  

The two cuddled up in Jake's bed and turn on their favorite movie, Lost in Time III. As the movie played on Emma thought, ¨What in the world is going to happen to me if someone finds out I can time travel??¨ she though carefully and a trickle of water came out of her eye and landed on her lap...

Thanks everyone for giving a pretty good amount of views so soon and special shoutout extreme_dramoine once again

Love you guys and KEEP READING! Will update soon <3 love ya bai!!!  

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