It'll be Okay

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No, nothing would be ok. I had failed my parents, myself, and Jake. Jake, yes, he held me close to him. "It'a not your fault." he hushed me.

"Get out," Emma said coldly, leaving his warm embrace. As Jake looked at me with shock, I repeated, "Get out, now!" I ran up the stairs leaving Jake alone. I knew it would be too dangerous if he stayed with me and that even if I loved him, I needed to let him go. I knew something I did would come back to haunt me and if Jake was anywhere near me at the time, he would get hurt for sure.

"No," he said quietly, "I won't let you stay here all alone, please don't leave me." He pleaded with his whole body. Falling to his knees. 

"I-I can't leave you," I said and I ran to his arms, even though I would send him away from me eventually. My heart felt like someone was ripping it apart and stabbing it every five seconds, and the greatest thing of all? Was that I couldn't do anything about it. 

"I love you," he said while burying his head into my crazed hair. Everything was crazy and I wondered if anything would ever return to normal.

We huddled together on the couch in silence, and for once, like any normal couple, he kissed me and the sound of the television blurred as his warm body surrounded mine. 

Beep! Beep! It was my phone, eleven in the morning great. It was my reminder of what would happen to me and where I would live, my wonderful lawyer, texting me at eleven in the morning. I must have fallen asleep. Jake was in my lap and my head had been on his shoulder. I played with his soft tussled hair and grinned at his small smiling lips. 

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wiped them, knowing I cry too much, but how would I be able to let someone so beautiful go. I hugged him and was glad I chose him, even though I had lost my powers and the hourglass. But to be honest, what was I thinking? I would never be able to return to my true, bubbly self. 

This chapters kinda short :P... here are a few questions I have for you all.

1. Can anyone make cute covers and stuff like that?

2. Anyone wanna do q & a?

3. Any ideas what my new stories and the next chapters of this story should be?

4. Any feedback for this? I wish I had more readersss...

Oh well, enough of my wandering, see you in the next chapter, muahhhh!

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